
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package kantan
    Definition Classes
  • package csv
    Definition Classes
  • package engine
    Definition Classes
  • package commons

    Provides CSV reader and writer engines using commons-csv.

    Provides CSV reader and writer engines using commons-csv.

    Importing kantan.csv.engine.commons._ will replace default engines by the commons-backed ones. If you need to tweak how commons-csv behaves, however, you can handcraft engines though readerEngineFrom and writerEngineFrom - all you need is a function that knows how to turn a column separator character in an instance of CSVFormat.

    Definition Classes
  • CsvSeq

package commons

Provides CSV reader and writer engines using commons-csv.

Importing kantan.csv.engine.commons._ will replace default engines by the commons-backed ones. If you need to tweak how commons-csv behaves, however, you can handcraft engines though readerEngineFrom and writerEngineFrom - all you need is a function that knows how to turn a column separator character in an instance of CSVFormat.

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. commons
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. type CSVFormat = org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat
  2. type CSVFormatBuilder = (CsvConfiguration) => CSVFormat

    Type of functions that create a CSVFormat instance from a given column separator.

  3. final case class CsvSeq(rec: CSVRecord) extends IndexedSeq[String] with Product with Serializable
  4. type QuoteMode = org.apache.commons.csv.QuoteMode

Value Members

  1. implicit val commonsCsvReaderEngine: ReaderEngine

    Default commons-csv ReaderEngine.

    Default commons-csv ReaderEngine.

    It's possible to tweak the behaviour of the underlying writer through readerEngineFrom.

  2. implicit val commonsCsvWriterEngine: WriterEngine

    Default commons-csv WriterEngine.

    Default commons-csv WriterEngine.

    It's possible to tweak the behaviour of the underlying writer through writerEngineFrom.

  3. def defaultFormat(conf: CsvConfiguration): CSVFormat

    Creates a default CSVFormat instance using the specified column separator.

  4. def readerEngineFrom(f: CSVFormatBuilder): ReaderEngine

    Creates a new ReaderEngine from the specified kantan.csv.engine.commons.CSVFormatBuilder.

    Creates a new ReaderEngine from the specified kantan.csv.engine.commons.CSVFormatBuilder.

    The purpose of this is to let developers use some of the commons-csv features that kantan.csv does not expose through its public API.

  5. def writerEngineFrom(f: CSVFormatBuilder): WriterEngine

    Creates a new WriterEngine from the specified CSVFormatBuilder.

    Creates a new WriterEngine from the specified CSVFormatBuilder.

    The purpose of this is to let developers use some of the commons-csv features that kantan.csv does not expose through its public API.