Can this be applied to other types?

We’ve seen that structural recursion could be generalised to catamorphisms, and that these are, in theory, capable of working with any type that can be projected into a pattern functor.

So far however, we’ve only seen List. We’re going to take a look at another recursive data type, with two goals in mind:

Binary tree

Having done the simplest recursive data type I could think of, the monomorphic list, we’re going to look at the second simplest: the monomorphic binary tree.


The simplest possible tree is the empty one, which we call a leaf:

Tree leaf

A non empty tree is called a node, and composed of:

Tree node

We can encode this almost directly to Scala code:

sealed trait Tree

case class Node(
  left : Tree,
  value: Int,
  right: Tree
) extends Tree

case object Leaf extends Tree

Like List, however, creating values is a bit cumbersome - a recurring problem with recursive data types:

val intTree =
      Node(Leaf, 1, Leaf),
      Node(Leaf, 3, Leaf)

Tree height

The problem we’re going to solve is the height of a tree, which is defined as:

The height of a tree is the length of the longest path between its root and a non-leaf node.

Graphically, we see that our sample tree has a height of 3:

Tree height

Our goal is to compute this using a catamorphism. In order to do that, we’ll do the exact opposite of what we did before: go from the generic definition of a catamorphism, and make everything concrete.

Our first step is to nail down the input type:


This is straightforward: we know that the input type of a function that computes a tree’s height must be of type Tree.

Tree Catamorphism

Pattern functor

Once we have the input type, we need its pattern functor:

Tree pattern functor

We could use the same trick we did, almost by mistake, for List, and use an optional left branch, right branch and value, but I would rather avoid that. Tuples quickly confuse me, parenthesis everywhere, confusing field names…

Instead, we’ll use a very mechanical approach, one that you can apply to any recursive data type you encounter.

The first step is to take your type and its branches, and append F to their names:

sealed trait TreeF

case class NodeF(
  left : Tree,
  value: Int,
  right: Tree
) extends TreeF

case object LeafF extends TreeF

The second step is to add a type parameter. Remember that the pattern functor’s type parameter is used to represent the recursive part of your data type, which is how we can map it to the type of the problem before and after it’s been solved. This means that we must replace any occurrence of Tree in TreeF and its subtypes with our type parameter:

sealed trait TreeF[+A]

case class NodeF[A](
  left : A,
  value: Int,
  right: A
) extends TreeF[A]

case object LeafF extends TreeF[Nothing]

Don’t worry if you don’t understand the +A and Nothing bits - it’s perfectly safe to consider them as a syntactic trick to be able to declare LeafF as an object.

And that’s our pattern functor! In the case of the height of a tree, for example, we know that we’ll be manipulating two TreeF types:



Having our input type, Tree, and its pattern functor, TreeF, we need to be able to project the former into the later:


This is a straightforward mapping of Node to NodeF and Leaf to LeafF:

def projectTree: Tree => TreeF[Tree] = {
  case Node(l, v, r) => NodeF(l, v, r)
  case Leaf          => LeafF

Which gives us the following updated diagram:

Tree projection

Functor instance

Of course, TreeF, being a pattern functor, needs to have a functor instance - otherwise we can’t call map.

Tree projection

We can provide this instance by applying the exact same logic we used for ListF: apply the mapped-over function to each recursive parts of a tree.

implicit val treeFFunctor = new Functor[TreeF] {
  override def map[A, B](tree: TreeF[A], f: A => B) =
    tree match {
      case NodeF(left, i, right) => NodeF(f(left), i, f(right))
      case LeafF                 => LeafF

This is such a mechanical implementation that it’s most likely possible to derive it automatically (I’ve successfully done it for TreeF using kittens but cannot guarantee that it’s always possible - just that I haven’t encountered a case where it wasn’t).


Finally, we get to the one piece that’s of any actual interest: the F-Algebra. The part where we actually compute the height of our tree.

Tree projection

The base case is obvious: the height of an empty tree is 0.

The step case is also relatively intuitive: we’re given the height of the left and right subtrees. The largest of these values is the longest path from a direct descendant of the current node to a non-leaf node, and adding one to this yields the height of the tree.

val heightAlgebra: TreeF[Int] => Int = {
  case NodeF(left, _, right) => 1 + math.max(left, right)
  case LeafF                 => 0

This gives us the last missing piece of our problem:

Height algebra

Tree height

We can now declare the height combinator by putting all these things together in a catamorphism:

val height: Tree => Int =
  cata(heightAlgebra, projectTree)

And this, fortunately, yields the expected result:

// res20: Int = 3

Key takeaways

It does seem that catamorphisms work for more types than just the monomorphic list. But… it certainly involves a lot of busywork, doesn’t it?

Next, we’ll be looking at an unfortunately popular technique for addressing this issue.