Reducing the boilerplate

We’ve seen that making a data type “catamorphism-ready” was a lot of busywork:

And you must do all of these things before you can start writing the interesting code, the thing that actually solves your problem, the F-Algebra.

The most frustrating bit is probably having to basically write the same type twice, given how close a type and its pattern functor are. The intuition that we’ll follow here is that it might be possible to write one in terms of the other, since they’re so similar.

List in terms of ListF

We’ve seen that ListF can be used to represent something that’s kind of a list. ListF[List] can be:

ListF[List] doesn’t solve our problem though - we still have to define both ListF and List, which is exactly what we want to avoid.

Our goal is to write a type that’s a ListF of something. Let’s call that type List2, because it’s kind of a list, but not a List:

type List2 = ListF[???]

And if you remember, that type parameter represents the tail of our list - think of ListF[List]. The tail of a list is a list: it’s the smaller list to which we prepend head to get a complete one.

Logically, the tail of a List2 must be of type List2:

type List2 = ListF[List2]
//        type List2 = ListF[List2]
//                           ^
// On line 2: error: illegal cyclic reference involving type List2

This unfortunately won’t compile, because Scala doesn’t allow recursive type aliases.

But this entire series of articles has been about recursive data types, so let’s try that instead. If List2 can’t be a ListF[List2], then it can contain one:

case class List2(value: ListF[List2])

Building a List2

List2 always makes me a bit confused, I have troubles seeing what it represents. When that happens, I like to draw things (badly) to help me visualise them, so let’s try that here.

Here’s how we’d declare our usual 3 :: 2 :: 1 :: nil as a List2:

val ints2: List2 =

And here’s a potential visualisation of it, where List2 itself is represented as a diamond:


You can still view our original list in there:

List2 (hidden wrapper)

List2 is really just structure that we needed to appease the compiler and have him accept a recursive type definition. The entire structure of a list is in ListF: an optional head and tail.

Generalising List2

This was an interesting observation: List2 itself doesn’t encode the structure of a list, ListF does. If we were to use another pattern functor - TreeF, say, we would get an entirely different recursive data type:

case class Tree2(value: TreeF[Tree2])

And, yes, that is a tree: a Tree2 contains a TreeF, which is one of:

It doesn’t get more tree-ish than that.

But Tree2 and List2 are basically the same thing, right? Different names, certainly, and we’ll fix that soon, and a different pattern functor, but what’s to stop us from turning that pattern functor into a parameter?

case class List2[F[_]](value: F[List2[F]])

Don’t let the name fool you, that type is a generic data structure used to represent any recursive data type in terms of its pattern functor. It’s not necessary obvious - that F[List2[F]] does my head in whenever I look at it - but put in concrete types:

Naming things

List2 is clearly a bad name for something that is meant to represent any recursive data type. It turns out that this structure is well known and already has an official name: Fix, or the fixed-point combinator.

case class Fix[F[_]](value: F[Fix[F]])

The origin of that peculiar name is surprisingly straightforward, for once:

List in terms of Fix

Now that we know how to express a recursive data type in terms of its pattern functor, let’s do so properly. Here’s FixedList:

type FixedList = Fix[ListF]

You can create values of that type, although it’s not very pleasant:

val fixedInts: FixedList =

It could be worse though - we could be creating a tree.

Tree in terms of TreeF

Speaking of the devil, here’s FixedTree, a tree expressed as a Fix and a TreeF:

type FixedTree = Fix[TreeF]

And, yes, you can create values, if you hate yourself enough:

val fixedIntTree: FixedTree =
      Fix[TreeF](NodeF(Fix[TreeF](LeafF), 1, Fix[TreeF](LeafF))),
      Fix[TreeF](NodeF(Fix[TreeF](LeafF), 3, Fix[TreeF](LeafF)))

cata with Fix

Now that we’ve done all that work, let’s see some concrete benefits. Let’s specialise our catamorphism implementation to recursive data types expressed in terms of Fix.

We’ll start from cata and rename it:

def cataFix[F[_]: Functor, A, B](
  algebra: F[A] => A,
  project: B => F[B]
): B => A = {
  def loop(state: B): A =
    algebra(map(project(state), loop))

The first thing we’ll do is change the input type, since we know it’s not a B anymore:

cata without Fix

cataFix works specifically for data types expressed as Fix[F], which means that B becomes Fix[F] everywhere:

def cataFix[F[_]: Functor, A](
  algebra: F[A] => A,
  project: Fix[F] => F[Fix[F]]
): Fix[F] => A = {
  def loop(state: Fix[F]): A =
    algebra(map(project(state), loop))

On the other hand, while it does remove elements from the diagram, things get a little bit mystical there:

cata with Fix

Projecting Fix

The next step is to project our input type into its pattern functor:

cata with Fix

There are two ways to go about that.

The first one is the usual, magical statically typed functional programming language gimmick: given the types we have, there’s only one way we could write it. This would give us the correct answer almost immediately, at the cost of not having a clue why it’s the correct answer other than my imaginary friend the compiler told me. We’re not going to do that, because the point of this series of article is precisely for you to understand.

The second way is a bit more roundabout, but it works just as well: we’ll start from the initial implementation of project for List, and refactor it. Let’s start by renaming it projectFix:

val projectFix: List => ListF[List] = {
  case Cons(head, tail) => Some((head, tail))
  case Nil              => None

We know we want to write a version specific to FixedList, which is really just Fix[ListF]:

val projectFix: Fix[ListF] => ListF[Fix[ListF]] = {
  case Fix(Some((head, tail))) => Some((head, tail))
  case Fix(None)               => None

Note how we replaced Cons by Fix(Some) and Nil by Fix(None).

If you take a look at the resulting pattern match, you’ll see that in both cases, we’re simply taking the value that’s inside of the Fix and returning it.

We can rewrite the entire pattern match to just unwrap the value:

val projectFix: Fix[ListF] => ListF[Fix[ListF]] =

And none of this code is specific to ListF, which allows us to turn it into a type parameter:

def projectFix[F[_]]: Fix[F] => F[Fix[F]] =

projectFix is simply unwrapping a layer of Fix.

This allows us to rewrite cataFix to not need a projection function anymore, since it’ll always just be accessing the value field:

def cataFix[F[_]: Functor, A](
  algebra: F[A] => A
): Fix[F] => A = {
  def loop(state: Fix[F]): A =
    algebra(map(state.value, loop))

Which gives us the following diagram:

cata with Fix projection

Functor instance

At this point, everything becomes a lot easier. We need to be able to run map on our pattern functor.

cata with Fix Functor

There’s no additional work required here though: our pattern functor, by definition, already has a Functor instance. We already defined the functor instances of ListF and TreeF, we don’t have to do it again.


Similarly, we don’t need to redefine F-Algebras: they work on the pattern functor directly, which is what we have at this stage.

cata with Fix F-Algebra

We can reuse all the F-Algebras that we have defined earlier without any additional change.

product in terms of cataFix

productFix, the version of product that works on FixedList, is simpler to define than it used to be, since we can ignore the projection:

val productFix: FixedList => Int =

And it still yields the expected result:

// res21: Int = 6

height in terms of cataFix

Same goes for heightFix, the version of height that works on a FixedTree:

val heightFix: FixedTree => Int =

Applying it to our standard tree yields the same result as before:

// res22: Int = 3

Cost of Fix

Everything seems to work out nicely, but there’s a cost.

Pattern matching is a very common activity, and it suddenly got less pleasant. Here’s how we do it now:

def headOpt(list: FixedList): Option[Int] = list match {
  case Fix(Some((head, _))) => Some(head)
  case Fix(None)            => None

Compare it to how we did it before Fix:

def headOpt(list:      List): Option[Int] = list match {
  case Cons(     head, _)   => Some(head)
  case Nil                  => None

It’s not a drastic change, but there’s certainly more boilerplate, and a requirement that you know and understand a more complex structure.

People might argue that this is unfair, that the entire point of catamorphisms is that you shouldn’t have to do pattern matching anymore. I think that’s only partly true, pattern matching is still a useful tool to have, but let’s pretend that the argument is correct.

What about creating values? Surely that’s something that we expect people to do quite a bit of - after all, the reason we write data types is to be able to manipulate values of these types, and these values need to be created at some point.

Here’s what you have to do now:

val list: FixedList =

Here’s how we did it before introducing Fix:

val list:      List =
  Cons(            3,
    Cons(            2,
      Cons(            1,

That is unarguably worse - and we already thought that the original way of creating values was too noisy!

Key takeaways

We’ve seen that we could use Fix to simplify a few things - for data type authors. As a data type author, I do not have to write my type and its pattern functor, nor the projection of the former into the later. Using Fix made my life better.

Once, though. I would only ever have to write the pattern functor and the projection once in the entire lifetime of my data type.

On the other hand, using Fix makes your life, as the data type consumer, less pleasant: pattern matching and value creation have become more complex. It’s made your life worse every time you want to create a value.

I feel this is exactly the wrong trade off to make. I should be dealing with the complexity so you don’t have to, not pushing it onto you so that I can ignore it.

Here’s my (admittedly snarky) take on Fix. Using it makes:

It’s unfortunate that virtually every blog post or article explaining recursion schemes will do so through Fix, because on top of not being a requirement, it’s not even a good idea!