Generalised cata and ana

We’ve seen that generalised folds (cata) and generalised unfolds (ana) seemed eerily similar.

In this last part of the series, we’ll explore that similarity.

cata and ana

If you look at cata and ana as diagrams, it’s kind of hard to tell which is which:


We know that cata uses algebras and ana co-algebras, so the top part of the diagram is cata and the bottom one ana. But they do look very similar.

They are, in fact, similar in two distinct ways.

Duality of cata and ana

The first way is more visible if you sort of flip the diagram for ana around - not changing its meaning, just the layout of the nodes:


And if you look at it in that light, you can see that ana is just cata, but with the arrows “flipped”: the same nodes, but arrows going in opposite directions.

This is what people mean when they say that cata and ana are duals of each other: they’re the opposite of one another. Intuitively, it makes sense: you use cata to fold a recursive data type into a single value, while ana unfolds a single value into a recursive data type.

This is the first way in cata and ana are similar - they’re opposite of each other.

Composing cata and ana

But if cata and ana are duals of each other, it means that one starts where the other ends, doesn’t it? It means we can compose them, such as by applying a cata to the result of an ana:


For example, we can compose range and product.

range yields numbers from 1 to a given number, and product multiplies them together: that’s factorial - an extremely inefficient implementation of it, but factorial nonetheless:

val factorial: Int => Int =
  range andThen product

// res40: Int = 6

Similarly, the composition of range and mkString is the string representation of a range:

val showRange: Int => String =
  range andThen mkString

// res41: String = 3 :: 2 :: 1 :: nil

Simplifying ana andThen cata

Let’s look at showRange in more details. Here’s the corresponding diagram, with all concrete types and functions filled in:


If you look at the leftmost part of this diagram, you can see that there seems to be some unnecessary segments: we go from a ListF[List] to a List and back to a ListF[List].

Let’s see if this intuition holds by looking at actual values. We’re going to detail the steps of showRange(3). According to our diagram, we’ll start with rangeCoAlgebra:


Here’s the code for that function:

val rangeCoAlgebra: Int => ListF[Int] = i => {
  if(i > 0) Some((i, i - 1))
  else      None

If you run through it, you eventually end up with nested Somes that represent the 3 :: 2 :: 1 list:

Some((3, Some((2, Some((1, None))))) // rangeCoAlgebra

According to our diagram, after doing some recursion magic via map, we need to apply embed:


Here’s the code for embed, which tells us to map Some to Cons, None to Nil and leave the head alone:

val embed: ListF[List] => List = {
  case Some((head, tail)) => Cons(head, tail)
  case None               => Nil

Applying that to our previous nested Somes yields:

Some((3, Some((2, Some((1, None))))) // rangeCoAlgebra
Cons( 3, Cons( 2, Cons( 1, Nil )))   // embed

Our next step is going to be project:


This essentially undoes what embed did: it maps Cons to Some, Nil to None and leaves the head alone:

val project: List => ListF[List] = {
  case Cons(head, tail) => Some((head, tail))
  case Nil              => None

Unsurprisingly, this yields the value we had before applying embed.

Some((3, Some((2, Some((1, None))))) // rangeCoAlgebra
Cons( 3, Cons( 2, Cons( 1, Nil )))   // embed
Some((3, Some((2, Some((1, None))))) // project

Finally, after running through some more recursive map magic, we need to apply mkStringAlgebra:


This tells us to map Some to step, None to base and leave the head alone:

val mkStringAlgebra: ListF[String] => String = {
  case Some((head, tailResult)) => step(head, tailResult)
  case None                     => base

This is our final state before actually getting showRange’s result:

Some((3, Some((2, Some((1, None))))) // rangeCoAlgebra
Cons( 3, Cons( 2, Cons( 1, Nil )))   // embed
Some((3, Some((2, Some((1, None))))) // project
step( 3, step( 2, step( 1, base)))   // mkStringAlgebra

And it really does seem that steps 2 (embed) and 3 (project) could be skipped - they’re just a round trip back to the result of rangeCoAlgebra.

These are the steps we’d like to have instead:

Some((3, Some((2, Some((1, None))))) // rangeCoAlgebra
step( 3, step( 2, step( 1, base)))   // mkStringAlgebra

Which would be the following diagram:


Let’s make that diagram generic - replacing hard-coded things with parameters:


You’d be forgiven for assuming I made a mistake and copied the diagram for ana here, but they are slightly different:


Do you see the difference? It’s just in the name of the last arrow. Our desired function has algebra where ana has embed.

It’s just a parameter name though, we can refactor ana to take algebra without changing its behaviour:

def ana[F[_]: Functor, A, B](
  coAlgebra: A => F[A],
  algebra  : F[B] => B
): A => B = {

  def loop(state: A): B =
    algebra(map(coAlgebra(state), loop))


And this actually works out: if you write showRange as an anamorphism, you get the expected output:

def showRange: Int => String =
  ana(rangeCoAlgebra, mkStringAlgebra)

// res42: String = 3 :: 2 :: 1 :: nil

Naming things

Even though this is just ana with an essentially meaningless difference, this has a fancy name: hylomorphism, or hylo for short:

def hylo[F[_]: Functor, A, B](
  coAlgebra: A => F[A],
  algebra  : F[B] => B
): A => B = {

  def loop(state: A): B =
    algebra(map(coAlgebra(state), loop))


It does seem weird to consider that hylo and ana are different things when their code is the same though, isn’t it?


A magic trick

For my next trick, we’re going to perform some purely cosmetic refactoring of hylo.

First, swap the As and the Bs - this doesn’t actually change anything, they’re just arbitrary names.

def hylo[F[_]: Functor, A, B](
  coAlgebra: B => F[B],
  algebra  : F[A] => A
): B => A = {

  def loop(state: B): A =
    algebra(map(coAlgebra(state), loop))


We’ll then change the declaration order of algebra and coAlgebra:

def hylo[F[_]: Functor, A, B](
  algebra  : F[A] => A,
  coAlgebra: B => F[B]
): B => A = {

  def loop(state: B): A =
    algebra(map(coAlgebra(state), loop))


Finally, we’ll rename coAlgebra to project.

def hylo[F[_]: Functor, A, B](
  algebra: F[A] => A,
  project: B => F[B]
): B => A = {

  def loop(state: B): A =
    algebra(map(project(state), loop))


And now that we’ve done that, I’d like you to tell me the differences between hylo and cata. Here’s the implementation of cata we’d arrived at, if you need to refresh your memory.

Surprising, isn’t it? hylo and cata are also the same thing.

This is the second way in which cata and ana are similar: they’re the same thing.

Key takeaways

We’ve seen that cata an ana were similar in two distinct way:

Yes, this is a bit headache inducing. But there’s a reasonable explanation! The issue, here, is that our types are not precise enough.

We’ve defined cata as structural recursion for types that can be projected into a pattern functor. And it’s true that a projection is a kind of co-algebra - they both have the same type, after all: A => F[A]. But not all co-algebras are projections: rangeCoAlgebra, for example, doesn’t project a recursive data type into its pattern functor.

Similarly, embeddings are algebras, but not all algebras are embeddings.

This is the crucial distinction between ana, cata and hylo: