Generalised unfolds

We have implemented a generalised generative recursion function for lists, unfold. Our task it to now turn it into a proper recursion scheme: generative recursion that works for any recursive data type.

Generalised unfolds

We’ll take the same approach as before: go from the List-specific unfold, and refactor it until it’s not List-specific anymore.

Here’s our unfold implementation:

def unfold[A](
  predicate: A => Boolean,
  update   : A => (Int, A)
): A => List = {

  def loop(state: A): List =
    if(predicate(state)) {
      val (head, nextState) = update(state)
      Cons(head, loop(nextState))
    else Nil


We’ll be using a shortcut, though: now that we know about pattern functors and their ability to represent intermediate steps in a recursive algorithm, we’ll try and use them as soon as possible.

Simplifying predicate and update

The first place where we can see the shape of ListF, the pattern functor for list, is in predicate and update:


If you squint, they’re really a single function from state to optional head and next state:


Let’s call this single function op because I’m not above a little foreshadowing.

op evaluates our predicate (is the string empty?) and, if true, wraps the result of update in Some. If false, it’ll return a None.

val op: String => ListF[String] =
  state => {
    if(state.nonEmpty) Some((state.head.toInt, state.tail))
    else               None

This allows us to simplify loop into a pattern match:

def unfold[A](
  op: A => ListF[A]
): A => List = {

  def loop(state: A): List =
    op(state) match {
      case Some((head, nextState)) => Cons(head, loop(nextState))
      case None                    => Nil


unfold now looks like this suddenly much more familiar diagram:


Abstracting over structure

While we’re trying to force ListF into unfold, let’s take a look at the other side of the diagram:


That’s really a function that, given an optional head and tail (a ListF), turns it into a list.

That function is commonly known as embed and has a straightforward implementation:

val embed: ListF[List] => List = {
  case Some((head, tail)) => Cons(head, tail)
  case None               => Nil

If we have a head and tail, we’ll turn them into a list. Otherwise, we have the empty list.

We can update unfold to take embed as a parameter, which allows us to get rid of explicit references to Cons and Nil:

def unfold[A](
  op   : A => ListF[A],
  embed: ListF[List] => List
): A => List = {

  def loop(state: A): List =
    op(state) match {
      case Some((head, state)) => embed(Some((head, loop(state))))
      case None                => embed(None)


As before with cata, note that embed is called on the result of both branches of the pattern match, which allows us to move it outside:

def unfold[A](
  op   : A => ListF[A],
  embed: ListF[List] => List
): A => List = {

  def loop(state: A): List =
    embed(op(state) match {
      case Some((head, state)) => Some((head, loop(state)))
      case None                => None


This results in a slightly more complex but, again, suspiciously familiar diagram:


Using Functor

Now that we’ve shoehorned a pattern functor in unfold, everything sort of falls together. Take a look at the central part of our diagram.


We’re turning a ListF[A] into a ListF[List] by applying an A => List function to the A. This is functors all over again!

We can take out that entire pattern match and replace it with map, because they’re exactly the same thing:

def unfold[A](
  op   : A => ListF[A],
  embed: ListF[List] => List
): A => List = {

  def loop(state: A): List =
    embed(map(op(state), loop))


This simplifies our diagram quite nicely:


Abstracting over ListF

We still have a few lose ends to tie up though. First, ListF:


This is very List specific, and we want it out. Luckily for us, the only thing we actually need to know about ListF is that we can call map on it - that it has a functor instance. We can replace it with a type parameter with the same constraints:

def unfold[F[_]: Functor, A](
  op   : A => F[A],
  embed: F[List] => List
): A => List = {

  def loop(state: A): List =
    embed(map(op(state), loop))


And this gets rid of ListF completely.


Abstracting over List

Finally, our unfold is still hard-coded to List as its output type.


It really doesn’t need to be though, since we never use the fact that we’re working with a list - just a type that op and embed know how to work with.

This allows us to turn it into a type parameter:

def unfold[F[_]: Functor, A, B](
  op   : A => F[A],
  embed: F[B] => B
): A => B = {

  def loop(state: A): B =
    embed(map(op(state), loop))


And, finally, we don’t have anything List-specific left in our unfold.


Naming things

Now that we have a completely generalised unfold, it’s time to give it a proper name. This is known as an anamorphism, ana for short:

def ana[F[_]: Functor, A, B](
  op   : A => F[A],
  embed: F[B] => B
): A => B = {

  def loop(state: A): B =
    embed(map(op(state), loop))


That names follows exactly the same logic as catamorphism: its entire point is to make sure you know that whoever uses it is smarter than you are.

And, of course, op is not the right name for that A => F[A].

If you remember, with cata, we had an F[A] => A, which we called an algebra. It has a very similar type to op - it is, in fact, the same thing with the “arrow flipped”. Flipping arrows is a very popular activity among people who understand category theory, and whenever they manage it they say the thing with the flipped arrow is the dual of the original thing, and is a co- original thing.

It should come as no surprise, then, that op is really known as a co-algebra.

def ana[F[_]: Functor, A, B](
  coAlgebra: A => F[A],
  embed    : F[B] => B
): A => B = {

  def loop(state: A): B =
    embed(map(coAlgebra(state), loop))


ana works exactly as before for charCodes:

mkString(ana(op, embed).apply("cata"))

And now that we’ve named everything properly, we get the complete diagram for ana:


range as an ana

We know that charCodes can be implemented as a specific version of ana - this is what we’ve been doing all along.

Here’s how you’d do range as an anamorphism:

val rangeCoAlgebra: Int => ListF[Int] = i => {
  if(i > 0) Some((i, i - 1))
  else      None

val range: Int => List =
  ana(rangeCoAlgebra, embed)

And you’d get the exact same result as with the initial implementation:

// res39: String = 3 :: 2 :: 1 :: nil

Key takeaways

We’ve seen that anamorphisms were generalised unfolds for types that could be embedded from a pattern functor, and that inventing them was mostly a matter of forcing a pattern functor in a non-general unfold.

Something that’s a bit surprising is how similar to catamorphisms they end up looking, though. There’s clearly some interesting thread to pull there.