Repeating actions

One thing our language still lacks is the ability to repeat an action multiple times. This is typically necessary to compute things over ranges of numbers (or lists or queues or…).

One could, for example, wish to sum all numbers in a given range. There are various ways of going about this, but one I’m particularly fond of is in a declarative fashion - that is, by describing the problem, and having that sort of magically turn into the solution to the problem itself. The description of a sum over a range could be described as:

This translates nicely into code using our syntax:

let sum = lower -> upper ->
    if lower > upper then 0
    else lower + (sum (lower + 1) upper)
  in sum 1 10

And this shows us a very convenient way of repeating an action: we’re repeatedly adding numbers in a range, by… well, by doing something a little odd. We’re having sum call itself. sum is called a recursive function, and it feels like something we’d quite like to implement in our language.

A note on “standard” loops

Repeating actions is also traditionally done using imperative loops:

Both these loops inherently rely on mutability. For example, here’s sum expressed as a for loop:

fun sumFor lower upper =
  var acc = 0
  for i = lower to upper do
    acc = acc + i

We must rely on acc to accumulate our result, because for loops do not evaluate to a value - they just repeat an action.

We will avoid implementing for and while here for a variety of reasons:

That last point is probably the most salient: since we can write software that turns for and while loops into recursive functions automatically, then we can view them as mere syntactic sugar. If we decide our language needs them after all, they can simply be features of the user facing language, and turned in recursive functions during parsing. Our AST needs never be aware of them.

Do we already support recursion?

You might be tempted to think we already support recursive functions - after all, we support let bindings and functions, which appear to be all that sum needs to work.

Let’s confirm this by actually implementing sum in our language. We lack something for that, however. Look at the code for sum again:

let sum = lower -> upper ->
    if lower > upper then 0
    else lower + (sum (lower + 1) upper)
  in sum 1 10

We need to compare lower and upper, which our language does not support yet. We can easily fix that, however. First, we’ll need a new AST variant, which is very similar to Add: a binary operator that takes two expressions.

  case Gt(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr)

This gives us the following Expr implementation:

enum Expr:
  case Num(value: Int)
  case Bool(value: Boolean)
  case Add(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr)
  case Gt(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr)
  case Cond(pred: Expr, thenBranch: Expr, elseBranch: Expr)
  case Let(name: String, value: Expr, body: Expr)
  case Var(name: String)
  case Function(param: String, body: Expr)
  case Function(function: Expr, arg: Expr)

We also need to update our interpreter to support it. The logic is straightforward and very similar to what we did for Add: evaluate both operands, make sure they’re both numbers, and test whether one is greater than the other.

def gt(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr, env: Env) =
  (interpret(lhs, env), interpret(rhs, env)) match
    case (Value.Num(lhs), Value.Num(rhs)) => Value.Bool(lhs > rhs)
    case _                                => sys.error("Type error in gt")

Which allows us to update interpret:

def interpret(expr: Expr, env: Env): Value = expr match
  case Num(value)                => Value.Num(value)
  case Bool(value)               => Value.Bool(value)
  case Add(lhs, rhs)             => add(lhs, rhs, env)
  case Gt(lhs, rhs)              => gt(lhs, rhs, env)
  case Cond(pred, t, e)          => cond(pred, t, e, env)
  case Var(name)                 => env.lookup(name)
  case Let(name, value, body)    => let(name, value, body, env)
  case Function(param, body      => Value.Function(param, body, env)
  case Apply(function, arg)      => apply(function, arg, env)

And with all that, we now have the tools needed to express and interpret sum. First, declaring it:

val expr = Let(
  name  = "sum",
  value = Function(
    param = "lower",
    body  = Function(
      param = "upper",
      body  = Cond(
        pred       = Gt(Var("lower"), Var("upper")),
        thenBranch = Num(0),
        elseBranch = Add(
          lhs = Var("lower"),
          rhs = Apply(
            function = Apply(Var("sum"), Add(Var("lower"), Num(1))),
            arg      = Var("upper"))
  body = Apply(Apply(Var("sum"), Num(1)), Num(10))

Not for the faint of heart, but it is a faithful transcription of sum in our AST.

In theory, then, we should be able to interpret that directly:

interpret(expr, Env.empty)
// java.lang.RuntimeException: Unbound variable: sum

So, no, apparently, we do not have everything we need. At some point, someone tries to find what value sum is bound to in an environment in which it’s not bound.

Let’s think about why that is by studying the substitution rules of recursive functions.

Substitution rules

Let’s think things through a little. In order for a function to call itself, it needs to have some way of referring to itself: it needs to be named. Our local binding of sum is crucial:

let sum = lower -> upper ->
    if lower > upper then 0
    else lower + (sum (lower + 1) upper)
  in sum 1 10

The way this is substituted is first by looking at the let part of the statement, and binding sum to the right-hand side of the =. Of course, you bind names to values, so we need to evaluate that right-hand side. Importantly, this will be done in an environment where sum is not bound: the reason we’re evaluating it is precisely to create that binding.

Which means we’ll end up evaluating a function (the one that has upper for parameter), and if you remember our substitution rules for functions, this yields a value that stores the environment in which it was defined. Which, as we’ve just seen, doesn’t include sum.

Ultimately, then, applying sum will end up evaluating sum (lower + 1) upper in its definition environment, which does not include sum. We’ll get a binding not found error, which is exactly what we observed by running the code.

The conclusion, then, is that let is not powerful enough to declare recursive functions. We’ll need a new primitive which does the tricky bit of binding sum to its value before it is known.

This is traditionally called let rec, and it differs subtly from let:

Here’s how sum would be defined with this new primitive:

let rec sum = lower -> upper ->
    if lower > upper then 0
    else lower + (sum (lower + 1) upper)
  in sum 1 10

Yes, this is almost character for character what we had for let. You might wonder - why do we need let at all, if let rec does the same, but also supports recursive functions? I certainly did for a bit, at least for declaring functions (remember that let rec cannot, in our language, define values).

One reason could be, for example, that we don’t actually want our function to be recursive, and we do not want the recursive binding to be present in our environment to prevent unexpected behaviours.

Updating the AST

We’ve only really declared a new primitive here: let rec, used to introduce recursive functions. These are, once introduced, regular functions, applied exactly like all others, so we don’t need a special elimination form for them.

As we’ve said, a let rec statement is very similar to a let one, and what few differences exist are only observed at interpretation time. We can then basically clone and rename the Let variant:

  case LetRec(name: String, value: Expr, body: Expr)

Which gives us the following full AST:

enum Expr:
  case Num(value: Int)
  case Bool(value: Boolean)
  case Add(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr)
  case Gt(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr)
  case Cond(pred: Expr, thenBranch: Expr, elseBranch: Expr)
  case Let(name: String, value: Expr, body: Expr)
  case LetRec(name: String, value: Expr, body: Expr)
  case Var(name: String)
  case Function(param: String, body: Expr)
  case Apply(function: Expr, arg: Expr)

We now have everything we need to represent sum. Exactly what we had before, except we need to replace Let with LetRec:

val expr = LetRec(
  name  = "sum",
  value = Function(
    param = "lower",
    body  = Function(
      param = "upper",
      body  = Cond(
        pred       = Gt(Var("lower"), Var("upper")),
        thenBranch = Num(0),
        elseBranch = Add(
          lhs = Var("lower"),
          rhs = Apply(
            function = Apply(Var("sum"), Add(Var("lower"), Num(1))),
            arg      = Var("upper"))
  body = Apply(Apply(Var("sum"), Num(1)), Num(10))

“All” we have to do now is interpret it. Famous last words.

Updating the interpreter

Now this is going to be a bit of a challenge. We know LetRec behaves in a very similar fashion to Let, so let’s start from there and tweak things.

def letRec(name: String, value: Expr, body: Expr, env: Env) =
  val actualValue = interpret(value, env)
  val newEnv      = env.bind(name, actualValue)

  interpret(body, newEnv)

The first difference we have is that we decided to limit let rec to functions, so we can rewrite this to fail for any value that doesn’t evaluate to a Function. We’ve done similar things before (very recently even, with gt), there’s nothing too surprising there:

def letRec(name: String, body: Expr, value: Expr, env: Env) =
  interpret(value, env) match
    case function: Value.Function =>
      val newEnv = env.bind(name, function)
      interpret(body, newEnv)

    case _ => sys.error("Type error in LetRec")

The second requirement is a little more complicated. It’s telling us we need to interpret value in an environment in which name is already bound to it. That seems a little unreasonable, doesn’t it? How can we bind a name to a value that doesn’t exist yet?

Well, there is a way, even if it might leave a slightly bitter taste if you’re among the everything must be pure! crowd. See, there’s nothing that tells us we can’t bind name to a nonsensical value, such as undefined or null, and then change that to the actual value when we know it.

Having a temporary value in the environment could be a problem: we absolutely do not want anyone to look that binding up before it’s bound to its final value! Luckily, this isn’t a possibility here.

We’ll definitely know the final value while interpreting LetRec, if only because we must make sure it’s a Function or fail. Which means we can make sure to set it in the environment before interpreting the body of the let rec statement.

The function application must happen in the body of the let rec statement - otherwise, the program is invalid, because it’ll refer to a function that does not exist.

So we know that the environment will be updated before the binding is actually looked up, and we’re perfectly safe to use this method.

At least in principle, then, we have a solution. It requires a little bit of legwork though: for the moment, our environment is fully immutable, which makes it impossible for us to update bindings in place. We’ll need to make it mutable, and to create a new set primitive which overrides the value a name is bound to. This gives us:

import collection.mutable

case class Env(map: mutable.Map[String, Value]):
  def lookup(name: String) =
    map.getOrElse(name, sys.error(s"Unbound variable: $name"))

  def bind(name: String, value: Value) =
    Env(map ++ mutable.Map(name -> value))

  def set(name: String, value: Value) =
    map += (name -> value)

Note that bind still very much copies our internal map without changing the previous one. If this wasn’t the case, we’d have broken static scoping.

And yes, technically, we now support mutability in our interpreter. That is very precisely what set does: mutate a binding. But, and this is crucially important, while our interpreter relies on mutability, we do not expose it to the language itself. There is no primitive in the AST that uses that feature, so developers cannot possibly write a program that interacts with it. We have, however, done a large chunk of the work that would be needed if, in the future, we were to decide to support mutability.

This new, mutable environment allows us to update our letRec implementation to:

Which yields the following code:

def letRec(name: String, value: Expr, body: Expr, env: Env) =
  val newEnv = env.bind(name, null)

  interpret(value, newEnv) match
    case function: Value.Function =>
      newEnv.set(name, function)
      interpret(body, newEnv)

    case _ => sys.error("Type error in LetRec")

We can now update interpret to handle the LetRec variants:

def interpret(expr: Expr, env: Env): Value = expr match
  case Num(value)                => Value.Num(value)
  case Bool(value)               => Value.Bool(value)
  case Add(lhs, rhs)             => add(lhs, rhs, env)
  case Gt(lhs, rhs)              => Gt(lhs, rhs, env)
  case Cond(pred, t, e)          => cond(pred, t, e, env)
  case Var(name)                 => env.lookup(name)
  case Let(name, value, body)    => let(name, value, body, env)
  case LetRec(name, value, body) => letRec(name, value, body, env)
  case Function(param, body)     => Value.Function(param, body, env)
  case Apply(function, arg)      => apply(function, arg, env)

With all that, we can finally confirm that our implementation is correct by interpreting expr, the program we declared earlier that computes the sum of all numbers between 1 and 10:

interpret(expr, Env.empty)
// val res: Value = Num(55)

Where to go from here?

Our language now has all the basic building blocks one needs to write interesting programs - the theory goes that every interesting program can now be written using Expr. It might require a lot of work, and we might want to enrich our language to provide more facilities out of the box, but it’s possible.

One thing we might want to look into, before moving on to more high-level features, is something I find slightly distasteful: it’s perfectly possible to write programs that make no sense, and not find out about it until we interpret them. We can, for example, write code that adds a number to a boolean.

We will start looking into techniques to confirm that a program makes sense before interpreting it in the next part of this series.