Reusing code

We’ve just implemented let bindings, which allow us to write things like this:

let x = 1 in
  x + 2

One way of reading that is:

While local bindings are undoubtedly nice, this also seems needlessly limiting: why make x a parameter of the in part, but then force it to be fixed? Wouldn’t it be much nicer if we could keep the in part, but allow people to evaluate it for any x?

This notion of something that takes a parameter and computes something with it is called a function. We’ve just come to the conclusion that we’d like to implement functions in our language.

In theory at least, all we need for that is syntax and substitution rules.


Lambda introduction

We’ll use a fairly common syntax for functions:



The in part of our previous let binding would thus be expressed as:

x -> x + 2

This declares a function that, given some x, returns x + 2. If you remember the vocabulary we introduced in the previous article of this series, this would then be function introduction.

A more common name is lambda introduction: lambda is often used as a shorthand for anonymous function, and yes, you probably noticed: we have declared a function, but not named it. Is this really something we need to worry about though?

We just spent quite a bit of time figuring out the rules for naming things, and came up with let bindings. That’s exactly what we need, isn’t it? We can simply write:

let f = x -> x + 2 in

And that has just created a function called f in our environment. Of course, this means we’ve also taken a major decision without necessarily intending to.

Let bindings bind a name to a value. We’ve just bound the name f to a function. This means, then, that we’ve quite naturally decided that functions were values in our language.

Lambda elimination

You’ll have noticed in that previous code block that I didn’t implement the in part of our let binding. That’s simply because we don’t have syntax for it yet: we know how to introduce functions, but not how to eliminate them, which is more commonly known as applying them.

The syntax we’ll use for that is fairly common:



You’ll note a slight lexical subtlety: I’ve used both parameter and argument to describe “what’s passed to a function”. There is a distinction: I’ll call a parameter the name of the value passed to a function, and argument the actual value. Which is why we’ll talk of parameters for lambda introduction and arguments for lambda elimination.

Now that we have syntax for it, we can complete our previous example:

let f = x -> x + 2 in
  f 1

And that is exactly the let statement we’ve been using as an example: compute x + 2 for x = 1.

This seems rather convoluted though, and maybe a little counter productive: we just rewrote a let binding as… another, more complicated let binding. But the fact that we’re giving a name to our function, and only use that name once, should be a hint that we can maybe skip that step.

When applying a function, our syntax requires the [FUNCTION] part to be a function. Well, x -> x + 2 is one, so we can use that directly, rather than name it and refer to that name:

(x -> x + 2) 1

This pattern of creating and immediately applying a function is quite common (especially, I think, in LISPs) and known as left-left-lambda.

What we’ve just invented, then, is quite powerful: not only do we have functions, but we can use them to express let bindings without any loss of expressivity.

A note on concrete syntax

We’ve made let bindings obsolete; we don’t need them in the language, since they can be expressed with functions. But do we want to take them out?

Which do you think is clearer:

let x = 1 in x + 2

(x -> x + 2) 1

I suppose this is really a matter of preference, but I can’t help but feel the let binding reads much better than the function declaration and immediate application. It feels like we need to decide on some sort of trade off:

Luckily, we get to have our cake and eat it, too: we can simply decide that let bindings are syntactic sugar for function application. The surface syntax of our language can absolutely include let bindings - we merely need to turn them into function application when we turn that syntax into an AST.

This is an important concept, and one of the reasons this series is ignoring parsing entirely: the syntax is a little irrelevant. Implementers of our language can choose whatever they prefer, so long as they can turn it into our AST. At this point, we take over and run interpreters, compilers…

One could, for example, decide that naming functions through let bindings is unpleasant, and implement dedicated syntax for it:

def f(x) = x + 2
f 1

One might also decide that our syntax for function application is unclear, and implement parentheses instead:

def f(x) = x + 2

And this would be strictly equivalent, at the AST level, to our:

(x -> x + 2) 1

Syntax is an implementation detail. This is why we’re spending so much time not worrying about implementing any.

Substitution rules

Now that we have a syntax, let’s think about how substitution works for functions. You might think that since we support let bindings, we’ve actually got that mostly sorted. And that’d be almost correct.

We can start from there, at least, and think of function application as a form of let binding: we’d bind the parameter to the argument, and then perform substitution as we always have. For example:

(x -> x + 2) 1N/ABind x to 1
x + 2x = 1Substitute x with 1
1 + 2 Simplify 1 + 2
3 N/A

This seems perfectly reasonable, but there is an edge case to consider. What do you think this evaluates to?

let y = 1 in
  let f = x -> x + y in
    let y = 2 in
      f 3

Since we’re doing static scoping, you probably expect this to evaluate to 4: f is defined when the first y binding is in scope, so you’d expect f to be x -> x + 1.

If you run our substitution rules however, you’ll end up with 5, because our environment will bind y to 2 before f is applied.

let y = 1 in
  let f = x -> x + y in
    let y = 2 in
      f 3
N/ABind y to 1
let f = x -> x + y in
  let y = 2 in
    f 3
y = 1Bind f to x -> x + y
let y = 2 in
  f 3
y = 1
f = x -> x + y
Bind y to 2
f 3y = 2
f = x -> x + y
Substitute f with x -> x + y
(x -> x + y) 3y = 2
Bind x to 3
x + yy = 2
x = 3
Substitute x with 3
3 + yy = 2Substitute y with 2
3 + 2 Simplify 3 + 2
5 N/A

Working through that example, we see that the second y binding shadows the first and breaks static scoping when f is applied. We want f to use the value y was bound to at declaration time, not application time. Or, put in slightly more general term: applying a function must be done in the environment it was defined in, rather than the one it’s applied in.

In our previous example, y has a value of 1 when f is defined, so we need to store that with f. And at application time, we’ll ignore whatever y is defined in the current environment and use the one we stored. Our program thus evaluates to what static scoping says it should, and sanity is restored.

The technical vocabulary for that (which I’ll readily admit I’ve never fully understood) is that f closes over its environment, and is thus called a closure.

Updating the AST

We’ve seen that we needed two new variants for our AST, the usual introduction and elimination ones.

Lambda introduction

Lambda introduction is the AST representation of:

x -> x + 2

This is fairly straightforward: we need to know the parameter, x, as well as the function’s body, x + 1, which translates directly to:

  case Function(param: String, body: Expr)

Lambda Elimination

Lambda elimination is just as straightforward - problems usually start happening when interpreting things, not when describing them. We’re trying to represent:

f 1

Which clearly gives us a structure containing a function (the function to apply) and a value (the function’s argument). Of course, what we really want to hold are expressions that evaluate to a function and a value of the right type, which gives us the following code:

  case Apply(function: Expr, arg: Expr)

Note how I’m being careful to be consistent in our vocabulary: Function has a parameter, Apply an argument.

Full AST

Putting it all together, we get the following definition for Expr:

enum Expr:
  case Num(value: Int)
  case Bool(value: Boolean)
  case Add(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr)
  case Cond(pred: Expr, thenBranch: Expr, elseBranch: Expr)
  case Let(name: String, value: Expr, body: Expr)
  case Var(name: String)
  case Function(param: String, body: Expr)
  case Apply(function: Expr, arg: Expr)

And just to make sure we have all we need, we can try to write let f = x -> x + 2 in f 1 using that updated AST:

val expr = Let(
  name  = "f",
  value = Function(
    param = "x",
    body  = Add(Var("x"), Num(2))
  body = Apply(
    function = Var("f"),
    arg      = Num(1)

Not the most pleasant thing in the world - our textual syntax is certainly easier on the brain - but it does work.

We seem to have everything in order: a clear substitution model and a working AST. All that’s left to do, then, is interpreting that updated AST.

Interpreting functions

Lambda introduction

Our first task will be to interpret the Function branch of our AST, and we hit an immediate snag: we need to go from Function to Value; but Value only has two variants, Num and Bool, neither of which seem suitable for representing a function.

We’ll need to adapt Value to accommodate functions, which means adding a new variant. So far, these have been extremely similar to their Expr equivalents, to the point that we considered re-using the Expr variants directly, so let’s try the same approach:

  case Function(param: String, body: Expr)

That seems reasonable: a function is in fact defined by its parameter and the code to execute when it’s applied. But is that all a function is defined by?

If you cast your mind back to our study of substitution rules, you’ll remember that in order to respect static scoping, a function also needed to capture the environment in which it was defined: our Value.Function needs a third field of type Env.

enum Value:
  case Num(value: Int)
  case Bool(value: Boolean)
  case Function(param: String, body: Expr, env: Env)

I don’t know about you, but it felt very odd writing this, like we’re mixing things that don’t belong together. An Env is a very runtime notion - it’s literally the runtime environment in which something is being interpreted, while an Expr feels more static. But that is what it means to support functions as values: such a value must combine the code to execute as well as the environment in which it was defined.

With this upgraded Value, updating interpret to handle lambda introduction is relatively easy:

def interpret(expr: Expr, env: Env): Value = expr match
  case Num(value)             => Value.Num(value)
  case Bool(value)            => Value.Bool(value)
  case Add(lhs, rhs)          => add(lhs, rhs, env)
  case Cond(pred, t, e)       => cond(pred, t, e, env)
  case Var(name)              => env.lookup(name)
  case Let(name, value, body) => let(name, value, body, env)
  case Function(param, body)  => Value.Function(param, body, env)

Lambda elimination

Lambda elimination is a little more complex. What we’re given to work with are two Exprs:

Our first step will be to interpret function and make sure it correctly evaluates to a function:

def apply(function: Expr, arg: Expr, env: Env) =
  interpret(function, env) match
    case Value.Function(param, body, closedEnv) =>
    case _ =>
      sys.error("Type error in Apply")

This is basically necessary boilerplate to get to the function we want to apply, but we can already spot a potential source of confusion: we have two environments! env is the environment in which the function is being applied, and closedEnv the one in which it was defined. We’ll need to be very careful not to get them mixed up.

Following our substitution rules, we now need to bind param to the value of arg. In order to do that, we first need to know the value of arg, which is simply done by interpreting it… but in which environment?

This one is not too hard. arg has absolutely nothing to do with the environment in which function was defined, so it wouldn’t make sense to interpret it in closedEnv.

def apply(function: Expr, arg: Expr, env: Env) =
  interpret(function, env) match
    case Value.Function(param, body, closedEnv) =>
      val argValue  = interpret(arg, env)
    case _ =>
      sys.error("Type error in Apply")

We’re almost ready to apply our function. All we now need is to know in which environment to do so. Our substitution rules tell us it must be in the environment in which it was defined - closedEnv - but that’s not quite enough, is it? We must also bind param to argValue in that environment in order for the function to be able to access its parameter.

def apply(function: Expr, arg: Expr, env: Env) =
  interpret(function, env) match
    case Value.Function(param, body, closedEnv) =>
      val argValue = interpret(arg, env)
      val funEnv   = closedEnv.bind(param, argValue)
    case _ =>
      sys.error("Type error in Apply")

We now have everything we need, all that’s left to do is to interpret the body of our function in the right environment:

def apply(function: Expr, arg: Expr, env: Env) =
  interpret(function, env) match
    case Value.Function(param, body, closedEnv) =>
      val argValue = interpret(arg, env)
      val funEnv   = closedEnv.bind(param, argValue)
      interpret(body, funEnv)
    case _ =>
      sys.error("Type error in Apply")

Putting all this together, we get our final interpret implementation:

def interpret(expr: Expr, env: Env): Value = expr match
  case Num(value)             => Value.Num(value)
  case Bool(value)            => Value.Bool(value)
  case Add(lhs, rhs)          => add(lhs, rhs, env)
  case Cond(pred, t, e)       => cond(pred, t, e, env)
  case Var(name)              => env.lookup(name)
  case Let(name, value, body) => let(name, value, body, env)
  case Function(param, body)  => Value.Function(param, body, env)
  case Apply(function, arg)   => apply(function, arg, env)

Testing our implementation

In order to make sure we got everything right, let’s use the edge case we identified while studying substitution rules:

let y = 1 in
  let f = x -> x + y in
    let y = 2 in
      f 3

Remember that if we implemented static scope properly, this should evaluate to 4. If we got it wrong, 5 (and if we got it very wrong, just about anything).

The AST representation of this program is:

val expr = Let(
  name  = "y",
  value = Num(1),
  body = Let(
    name = "f",
    value = Function(
      param = "x",
      body  = Add(Var("x"), Var("y"))
    body = Let(
      name = "y",
      value = Num(2),
      body = Apply(Var("f"), Num(3))

And finally, interpreting this yields the expected (hoped for!) 4.

interpret(expr, Env.empty)
// val res: Value = Num(4)

Functions with multiple parameters

You might have noticed. In this entire article, we only ever worked with unary functions - functions that take a single parameter. And you might rightfully think that this was a lot of work for a very partial feature. After all, it’s very easy to think of dozens of functions that take more than one parameter - our interpreter is one, for example.

The good news is, while it was indeed a lot of work, the feature is not at all partial. Let’s take a concrete example to show how.

An add function would take two parameters and return their sum. In theory, then, this is something we can’t express with our language - not only do we not have syntax for it, but we don’t even have the necessary tools in our AST. It certainly feels like we’re at a bit of a dead end.

Now, allow your mind to shift a little. What if instead, add was a function that took a single parameter - call it lhs, returned a function that took a single parameter - call it rhs, and returned the sum of lhs and rhs? Well, that’d be essentially the same thing, wouldn’t it?

Here’s how that would work with our language:

let add = lhs -> rhs -> lhs + rhs in
  add 1 2

That’s a perfectly valid expression of our language, and add behaves, for all intents and purposes, like a function with two parameters. This process of turning a function that takes n parameters and turning it into a chain of n functions is called currying.

Here’s how add looks like in our AST - it is quite noisy:

val expr = Let(
  name  = "add",
  value = Function(
    param = "lhs",
    body  = Function(
      param = "rhs",
      body  = Add(Var("lhs"), Var("rhs"))
  body = Apply(
    function = Apply(
      function = Var("add"),
      arg  = Num(1)
    arg = Num(2)

And yes, the sum of 1 and 2 is indeed 3:

interpret(expr, Env.empty)
// val res: Value = Num(3)

Should we drop Let ?

Earlier, in the bit about syntactic sugar, we realised that we could do away with let bindings entirely, as they could be expressed by simple function declaration and immediate application. In theory, I would do that now - remove the Let variant from our AST.

In practice however, the downside of not writing an actual syntax and parser for our language is that we must write everything directly in the AST. We’re likely to want to assign names to things in the future, and let bindings are syntactically a lot more pleasant than the alternative. So we’ll keep them for the moment, not because they’re necessary, but because they’re convenient.

Where to go from there?

At this point, we have a pretty complete programming language: bindings, conditionals, functions… but we’re still lacking a basic building block: loops, the ability to repeat an action multiple times. This is what we’ll tackle in the next part of this series.