Item seller


We have all the basic tools we need to automate online shopping, but there’s at least one refinement we should consider. If you’ve been on an online marketplace recently, you must have noticed the amount of dodgy or outright scammy activity going on.

We’ll definitely want to filter out anything that doesn’t appear legitimate, which we’ll achieve by looking up an item’s seller to try and find something fishy in their reviews. In order to do so, we’ll need a data type to represent a seller:

type ReviewId = UUID

case class Seller(
  id     : SellerId,
  name   : String,
  reviews: List[ReviewId]

Our first task will be to work out how to retrieve an item’s seller, which we’d really like to be as simple as a function from Item to Seller:

def itemSeller(
  item: Item
): Seller =

This looks easy enough at first blush - after all, Item gives us direct access to the corresponding Seller identifier, so our first step seems clear:

def itemSeller(
  item: Item
): Seller =

But this is where we get stuck. We have nothing to take us from an identifier to the corresponding Seller.


Here’s a graphical representation of what we’re trying to achieve:

Ap, lifted

This certainly suggests that we should apply our by now-familiar technique of wishful-thinking driven development to get a function from SellerId to Seller, but… think about it. Can we guarantee that there will always be a Seller for a given SellerID?

No, we cannot. The SellerId might be incorrect, or the corresponding Seller might have been deleted, for example. We cannot expect to be provided with a function that somehow summons valid sellers from invalid identifiers - we cannot wish for the impossible.

What we can reasonably wish for, however, is a function from SellerId to Seller - in some F. In the case of a potentially invalid identifier, for example, F would be Option.

Ap, lifted

And, using the same example, we can clearly see that we just won’t be able to go from F[Seller] to Seller: if F is Option, then it might be empty, and we simply won’t be able to summon a Seller that does not exist. This forces us to change our desired output to the next best thing, F[Seller].

Ap, lifted

We need to update itemSeller to reflect these two modifications:

def itemSeller[F[_]](
  loadSeller: SellerId => F[Seller],
  item      : Item
): F[Seller] =

Note how it now takes a SellerId => F[Seller], since we wished for one, and its return type has been changed to F[Seller]. This gives us a concrete diagram that commutes:

Ap, lifted

Implemeting itemSeller is now simply a matter of following the path arrow:

def itemSeller[F[_]](
  loadSeller: SellerId => F[Seller],
  item      : Item
): F[Seller] =


We’ve only solved part of the equation here, though. The point, as always, is to reuse itemSeller to work with F[Item] - in other words, to write itemSellerF.

Before that, however, it’s important to pause and realise this is quite a bit different from what we’ve been doing so far.

From Functor to Applicative, all we’ve really been doing is discovering mechanisms for lifting functions in some F. When computing the total cost of a basket, for example, we went from totalCost (not a single F in sight) to totalCostF, which wrapped the former’s parameters and return value in F.

itemSeller, however, is different, in that it’s already aware of F: it returns an F[Seller]. This makes things a little bit harder. There’s only one totalCost function, but there are as many versions of itemSeller as there are Fs - a potentially infinite number. Rather than write infinitely many versions of itemSellerF, we’ll create a single one that takes a version of itemSeller specialised to the right F.

This gives us the following signature for itemSellerF:

def itemSellerF[F[_]](
  itemSeller: Item => F[Seller],
  fitem     : F[Item]
): F[Seller] =

Having done all this preparation work, it looks like things might be easy for a change: we have an F[Item] and a function that takes an Item, this all lines up just right for some functorial goodness:

def itemSellerF[F[_]: Functor](
  itemSeller: Item => F[Seller],
  fitem     : F[Item]
): F[Seller] =

This, unfortunately, will not work: itemSeller returns a value in some F, so does map - we’re nesting Fs again, and the compiler is understandably cranky about finding an F[F[Item]] where it expected an F[Item].


If we try to represent our problem as a diagram, we get the following:

Ap, lifted

We’re trying to go from an F[Item] to an F[Seller], and all we know to do is go from an Item to an F[Seller].

The first thing that should catch our attention immediately is itemSeller - a unary function that’s just begging to be lifted.

Ap, lifted

This diagram almost commutes already: all it needs is a path from F[F[Seller]] to F[Seller].

We do not have tools for that yet, but we can certainly wish for them: we need to be able to flatten nested layers of F, so we’ll ask for the flatten function.

Ap, lifted


Having made flatten somebody else’s problem, we still need to give them a way to provide us with their solution through the usual type class-based encoding:

trait Flatten[F[_]] extends Functor[F]:
  extension [A](ffa: F[F[A]])
    def flatten: F[A]

Armed with flatten, we now have a diagram that commutes.

Ap, lifted

Implementing itemSellerF becomes a simple matter of following arrows, which gives us:

def itemSellerF[F[_]: Flatten](
  itemSeller: Item => F[Seller],
  fitem     : F[Item]
): F[Seller] =
  (itemSeller.lift andThen (_.flatten)).apply(fitem)

Common combinators

One refinement we can bring to this implementation is to notice this pattern, lift followed by flatten:

Ap, lifted

This turns out to be an extremely common pattern - so common, in fact, that we really should give it a name. We’ll call it liftFlat, since, well, it’s lift, followed by flatten:

trait Flatten[F[_]] extends Functor[F]:
  extension [A](ffa: F[F[A]])
    def flatten: F[A]

  extension [A, B](f: A => F[B])
    def liftFlat: F[A] => F[B] =
      f.lift andThen (_.flatten)

liftFlat allows us to remove a large chunk of our diagram and provide a more direct path to the solution.

Ap, lifted

Updating the itemSellerF implementation accordingly yields something quite a bit simpler as well, even if not yet entirely satisfactory:

def itemSellerF[F[_]: Flatten](
  itemSeller: Item => F[Seller],
  fitem     : F[Item]
): F[Seller] =

As before, we’ve landed on the functional idiom - not a huge surprise when the diagrams we’ve been using are really just about function composition.

As OOP developers however, we’d be more comfortable writing something like this:

def itemSellerF[F[_]: Flatten](
  itemSeller: Item => F[Seller],
  fitem     : F[Item]
): F[Seller] =

This is trivially implemented, as flatMap is just a different way of calling liftFlat.

trait Flatten[F[_]] extends Functor[F]:
  extension [A](ffa: F[F[A]])
    def flatten: F[A]

  extension [A, B](f: A => F[B])
    def liftFlat: F[A] => F[B] =
      f.lift andThen (_.flatten)

  extension [A](fa: F[A])
    def flatMap[B](f: A => F[B]): F[B] =

Naming things

While flatten is the primary operation of Flatten, flatMap ends up being used far more often - so much so that the abstraction is commonly known as FlatMap instead.

trait FlatMap[F[_]] extends Functor[F]:
  extension [A](ffa: F[F[A]])
    def flatten: F[A]

  extension [A, B](f: A => F[B])
    def liftFlat: F[A] => F[B] =
      f.lift andThen (_.flatten)

  extension [A](fa: F[A])
    def flatMap[B](f: A => F[B]): F[B] =

Not just a Functor

If you’ve been paying attention, flatten might remind you of a problem we solved earlier with Apply: when trying to lift a function with 2 parameters, we ended up nesting maps, which yielded nested Fs, and forced us to sidestep the issue entirely by inventing ap.

This hints at a relationship between flatten and ap - they’re both things we came up with to avoid nesting Fs. And it is indeed relatively straightforward to write ap in terms of flatten (and map):

trait FlatMap[F[_]] extends Apply[F]:
  extension [A](ffa: F[F[A]])
    def flatten: F[A]

  extension [A, B](ff: F[A => B])
    def ap: F[A] => F[B] =
      fa => { a => { f =>

  extension [A, B](f: A => F[B])
    def liftFlat: F[A] => F[B] =
      f.lift andThen (_.flatten)

  extension [A](fa: F[A])
    def flatMap[B](f: A => F[B]): F[B] =

Note that FlatMap now extends Apply: it’s a Functor that exposes a valid ap implementation, and is therefore a valid Apply. This raises an interesting point, if maybe not a terribly useful one: we’ve used extends to mean two different, incompatible things.

FlatMap extends Functor means that Functor is a requirement of FlatMap - without a Functor, we do not have a FlatMap.

FlatMap extends Apply means that Apply is a consequence of FlatMap - with a FlatMap, we have an Apply for free.

Surprisingly, the extends keyword, which nobody questions or thinks about too hard, is ambiguous. Not an extremely useful point, certainly, but I do think it’s quite interesting.

Key takeaways

What we’ve learned so far is that while the Functor, Apply and Applicative family of abstractions is useful to lift functions of any arity in some F, they’re not sufficient in all scenarios: sometimes, we’ll have to work with function that return values in some F. When that happens, we’ll need FlatMap.

FlatMap’s core operation is flatten, but its most used tool is liftFlat or, equivalently, flatMap.