Recall that our ultimate goal is to retrieve all the reviews associated with an item’s seller in order to find scam indicators. We already know how to get a Seller
from a given Item
, and now need to perform the next step: retrieve a list of reviews from a given Seller
The first thing we’ll need is a data type to describe a review.
case class Review(
id : ReviewId,
body : String
We then need to figure out how to retrieve the list of reviews associated with a given seller, which would ideally be a simple function from Seller
to List[Review]
def sellerReviews(
seller: Seller
): List[Review] =
We already know how to get a list of review identifiers, as this is provided by Seller
def sellerReviews(
seller: Seller
): List[Review] =
But that’s as far as we can go here. Try as we might, we have no way to get any closer to our goal.
If we look at the problem as a diagram, here’s what we get:
Spanning that List[ReviewId]
to List[Review]
chasm looks a little bit daunting, but we can try to figure this out one small step at a time. Before tackling the notion of lists, how would we go from a ReviewId
to a Review
This is a problem we’ve already looked at when trying to go from a SellerId
to a Seller
, and the same conclusion applies: we can only reasonably expect to be provided with a function from ReviewId
to F[Review]
, because, among other things, we must account for the possibility of a ReviewId
that doesn’t map to an existing Review
We now have a unary function, which we’ve by now learned to lift immediately and see what that gets us. There’s a subtlety here, however: so far, we’ve only ever lifted things into an abstract F
, but in this scenario, what we really want to do is work with a value of type List[ReviewId]
; we want to lift loadReview
into List
We don’t know that we can, though. As we’ve seen, we would need List
to be a Functor
in order to be allowed to do that. Of course List
is a Functor
, but we’ll still need to prove it at some point by providing an implementation.
The last step we need to make is from List[F[Review]]
to List[Review]
This is not a step we’ll be able to make, however. We’ve already seen that while we could flatten nested contexts with FlatMap
, we cannot get rid of the context entirely - we can’t go from an F[Review]
to a Review
. Consider the case where F
is Option
, for example; by the very definition of Option
, we do not know for sure that we have an actual value to unwrap.
What we can do, however, is flip
our value, which gets us closer to our goal.
Finally, by the same argument, we can convince ourselves that we’ll never be able to go from F[List[Review]]
to List[Review]
. This forces us to change our desired output to F[List[Review]]
, which is the closest we can get to the initial problem statement.
And with this, we have a diagram that commutes, and a relatively straightforward implementation of sellerReviews
First, of course, we’ll need to prove that List
is a Functor
. This is mostly busywork, as List
already provides a default map
implementation which we can reuse.
given Functor[List] with
extension [A, B](f: A => B)
def lift: List[A] => List[B] =
as =>
Implementing sellerReviews
is now just a matter of following the arrows of our diagram.
def sellerReviews[F[_]: Applicative](
loadReview: ReviewId => F[Review],
seller: Seller
): F[List[Review]] =
We can now finally tackle the last leg of our journey: re-using sellerReviews
for a Seller
in some F
. In other words, implementing sellerReviewsF
Its signature follows exactly the same logic as what we did for itemSeller
. Instead of writing as many versions as there are potential F
s, we’ll have itemSellerF
take a version of sellerReviews
specialised to the right F
and take it from there.
def sellerReviewsF[F[_]](
sellerReviews: Seller => F[List[Review]],
fseller : F[Seller]
): F[List[Review]] =
The corresponding diagram should look very familiar in its shape if not necessarily in the details of the types.
That is exactly the same kind of diagram we had to solve for itemSellerF
, and can be solved using the exact same solution: liftFlat
, which traces an immediate path from our input to our desired output.
This allows us to quickly write a first sellerReviewsF
implementation by following the arrows.
def sellerReviewsF[F[_]: FlatMap](
sellerReviews: Seller => F[List[Review]],
fseller : F[Seller]
): F[List[Review]] =
We already know that liftFlat
can be replaced with flatMap
for something a bit closer to Scala’s idioms, which gives us a final, fairly satisfactory implementation.
def sellerReviewsF[F[_]: FlatMap](
sellerReviews: Seller => F[List[Review]],
fseller : F[Seller]
): F[List[Review]] =
Now, if you pay attention, we needed two distinct constraints on F
for this whole thing to work:
needs F
to be an Applicative
in order to use flip
needs F
to be a FlatMap
in order to use flatMap
.This combination of constraints is extremely common, and has a famous name: anything that is both a FlatMap
and an Applicative
is called a Monad
trait Monad[F[_]] extends FlatMap[F] with Applicative[F]
After all this work, we’ve finally reached a useful, if maybe a little bit anticlimactic, definition: a Monad
is both an Applicative
and a FlatMap
. And… that’s really all there is to it.