kantan.xpath has a scalaz module that is, in its current incarnation, fairly bare
bones: it provides decoders for Maybe
and \/
as well as a few useful type class instances.
The scalaz
module can be used by adding the following dependency to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.nrinaudo" %% "kantan.xpath-scalaz" % "0.5.3"
You then need to import the corresponding package:
import kantan.xpath.scalaz._
decoderThe scalaz
module provides a NodeDecoder
instance for \/
: for any type A
and B
that each have a
instance, there exists a NodeDecoder
instance for A \/ B
First, a few imports:
import scalaz._
import kantan.xpath.implicits._
We can then simply write the following:
"<foo><bar value='1'/><bar value='foo'/></foo>".evalXPath[List[Int \/ String]](xp"//bar/@value")
// res0: kantan.xpath.package.XPathResult[List[Int \/ String]] = Right(
// value = List(-\/(a = 1), \/-(b = "foo"))
// )
decoderThe scalaz
module provides a NodeDecoder
instance for Maybe
: for any type A
that has a NodeDecoder
instance, there exists a NodeDecoder
instance for Maybe[A]
// res1: kantan.xpath.package.XPathResult[Maybe[Int]] = Right(value = Empty())
The following instance for cats type classes are provided:
and Plus
for NodeDecoder
for XmlSource
and Equal
for all error types (XPathError
and all its descendants).Equal
for Node