kantan.regex comes with a refined module that can be used
by adding the following dependency to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.nrinaudo" %% "kantan.regex-refined" % "0.6.0"
You then need to import the corresponding package:
import kantan.regex.refined._
And that’s pretty much it. You can now decode refined types directly.
Let’s first set our types up:
import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined
import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Positive
import kantan.regex.implicits._
type PositiveInt = Int Refined Positive
We can then simply write the following:
"[123]".evalRegex[PositiveInt](rx"\[([+-]?\d+)\]", 1).toList
// res0: List[kantan.regex.package.DecodeResult[PositiveInt]] = List(
// Right(value = 123)
// )
And, for an error case:
"[-123]".evalRegex[PositiveInt](rx"\[([+-]?\d+)\]", 1).toList
// res1: List[kantan.regex.package.DecodeResult[PositiveInt]] = List(
// Left(
// value = TypeError(
// message = "Not acceptable: 'Predicate failed: (-123 > 0).'"
// )
// )
// )