
Benchmarked libraries

Library Version
commons csv 1.7
jackson csv 2.9.10
opencsv 5.0
scala csv 1.3.6
kantan.csv 0.6.1
uniVocity 2.8.3

In order to be included in this benchmark, a library must be:

The first two are purely subjective, but I have actual tests to back the third condition, and have disqualified some libraries that I could not get to pass them.


opencsv is an exception to these rules: it does not actually pass the RFC compliance tests. The misbehaviour is so minor (quoted CRLFs are transformed in LFs) that I chose to disregard it, however.


One library that I wish I could have included is PureCSV, if only because there should be more pure Scala libraries in there. It failed my tests so utterly however that I had to disqualify it - although the results were so bad that I believe they might be my fault rather than the library’s. I’ll probably give it another go for a later benchmark and try to see if I can work around the issues.


uniVocity was almost disqualified from the benchmarks because initial performances were atrocious.

I’ve been in touch with someone from their team though, and he helped me identify what default settings I needed to turn off for reasonable performances - it turns out that uniVocity’s defaults are great for huge CSV files and slow IO, but not that good for small, in-memory data sets.

Moreover, it must be said that using uniVocity’s preferred callback-based API yields significantly better results than the iterator-like one. I’m specifically benchmarking iterator-like access however, and as such not using uniVocity in its optimised-for use case. That is to say, the fact that it’s not a clear winner in my benchmarks does not invalidate their own results.

Benchmark tool

All benchmarks were executed through jmh, a fairly powerful tool that helps mitigate various factors that can make results unreliable - unpredictable JIT optimisation, lazy JVM initialisations, …

The one thing I couldn’t control or alternate was the order in which the benchmarks were executed: jmh does it alphabetically. Given that jackson csv is always executed second and still gets the best results by far, I’m assuming that’s not much of an issue.


Reading is benchmarked by repeatedly parsing a known, simple, RFC-compliant input.

Results are expressed in μs/action, where and action is a complete read of the sample input. This means that the lower the number, the better the results.

Library μs/action
commons csv 49.40
jackson csv 24.00
kantan.csv (commons csv) 76.37
kantan.csv (internal) 101.62
kantan.csv (jackson csv) 44.59
opencsv 68.77
scala csv 117.41
uniVocity 28.16

A few things are worth pointing out:


Writing is benchmarked in a symmetric fashion to reading: the same data is used, but instead of being parsed, it’s being serialized.

Library μs/action
commons csv 25.63
jackson csv 20.50
kantan.csv (commons csv) 30.43
kantan.csv (internal) 29.90
kantan.csv (jackson csv) 30.25
opencsv 50.27
scala csv 41.04
uniVocity 29.19