We’re done implementing a fully typed AST, TypedExpr
, but we don’t yet know how to produce expressions in it. We could wave the problem away by declaring it the responsibility of the parser, but that’s not usually how things are done. It’s a lot more common for the parser to produce an untyped AST, and then refine it through different phases, one of which, type checking, may produce a typed AST.
We’ll work on a new, improved type checker, then, one that produces a typed AST. As usual, this will be done as an evaluator - a function that explores an Expr
and produces… something. But exactly what that something is is worth a little bit of thought.
We know we ultimately want to produce a TypedExpr
while allowing for failures. Not all expressions are well typed, which is rather the point. Something like:
def typecheck(expr: Expr): Either[String, TypedExpr[?]] = ???
That ?
in TypedExpr[?]
is Scala syntax for there’s a type there but we don’t know what it is - technically, an existential type: the only thing we know about it is that it exists. And we cannot do any better than that, because there is nothing in Expr
which allows us to know, statically, what type it will be. We must explore it at runtime to decide that. Statically, all we can say is, yes, there will be a type there, actually.
And that is problematic: we are, at some point, going to need to know exactly what that type is. Think of type checking $\texttt{Add}$, for example: we’ll need to say that both operands are well-typed and numbers. We’ll need to be able to take a TypedExpr[?]
and turn it into a TypedExpr[Type.Num]
The intuition to follow here is that we are going to make expectations of types, expectations which can only be confirmed at runtime. Type checking $\texttt{Add}$, we’ll get a TypedExpr
of something, which we’ll need to make sure is a number - and do so at runtime, the domain of values (where types are a purely static notion). Logically, we’ll need some sort of value to act as a witness to the types we’re manipulating.
We can do something like that by associating each TypedExpr
with the corresponding type:
case class Typing[A <: Type](expr: TypedExpr[A], tpe: A)
And this feels like we’re at least on the right track, doesn’t it? If we have a Type
that we successfully prove is equal to tpe
, then it’s a convincing proof that expr
is of that type.
We can put this in a method of Typing
def cast[B <: Type](to: B): Either[String, Typing[B]] =
this match
case Typing(expr, `to`) => Right(Typing(expr, to))
case Typing(_, other) => Left(s"Expected $to, found $other")
Note the backquoted to
in the pattern match: this is Scala syntax to say that we’re comparing to the existing to
, not declaring a new binding that shadows it.
Unfortunately, while our reasoning is sound, it’s not convincing enough for the compiler, and it will reject cast
with a type error. I’m unsure whether that’s intended or a flaw in the compiler, but it’s certainly how things stand using Scala 3.6.2.
Of course, if we’re confident enough in our argument, we can always overrule the compiler with a call to asInstanceOf
- but this really should be last resort. Telling the compiler to ignore its conclusions and trust ours instead is a bug waiting to happen, and even if our reasoning is sound now, it’s one careless refactoring away from being completely daft. Better to rely on the compiler to confirm our proofs for us.
Luckily, we can work around this with a little bit of boilerplate. See, Generalized Algebraic Data Types, or GADTs for short (loosely, polymorphic sum types whose type parameter is more constrained in variants) allow the compiler to do all sorts of interesting things during pattern matches - well, one thing, really, but with far reaching consequences: the compiler will be able to reason about types being equal, and draw conclusions from that.
Let’s see how this helps us, it’ll make things clearer. First, then, we’ll write a GADT version of Type
- a sum type that mirrors Type
but with a type parameter:
enum TypeRepr[A <: Type]:
case Num extends TypeRepr[Type.Num]
case Bool extends TypeRepr[Type.Bool]
case Fun[A <: Type, B <: Type](
from: TypeRepr[A],
to: TypeRepr[B]
) extends TypeRepr[A -> B]
is a sum type (that’s what enum
does), it is polymorphic (it has a type parameter), and its variants constraint that parameter:
forces it to Type.Num
forces it to Type.Bool
.Fun[A, B]
forces it to A -> B
.All the ingredients are here. Let’s try replacing Type
with TypeRepr
in Typing
and see what happens.
case class Typing[A <: Type](expr: TypedExpr[A], repr: TypeRepr[A]):
def cast[B <: Type](to: TypeRepr[B]): Either[String, Typing[B]] =
this match
case Typing(expr, `to`) => Right(Typing(expr, to))
case Typing(_, other) => Left(s"Expected $to, found $other")
And yes, this does compile. Trough the magic of GADTs, the compiler has been able to conclude that:
being equal to repr
means they’re of the same type.A
and B
must then be the same type.TypedExpr[A]
must then be the same type as TypedExpr[B]
(by type constructor injectivity).expr
can then be used wherever a TypedExpr[B]
is expected.Which I think is all kinds of wonderful! The first time I started playing with values describing types to safely cast from one type to another at runtime felt very odd, but so incredibly fun.
If you’ve followed all this, or at least got the general idea, you can relax now. This was the hard part of this article. The rest is merely going to be sprucing up our first type checker to accommodate Typing
We’ve written a type checker before. We know we’ll eventually need a type environment - a place in which to store which type a binding references. So let’s write one now and be done with it.
The one difference from the type checker we already wrote is that we’re no longer tracking Type
as our main “unit” of typing, but TypeRepr
class TypeEnv private (env: List[TypeEnv.Binding])
object TypeEnv:
case class Binding(name: String, repr: TypeRepr[?])
val empty = TypeEnv(List.empty)
We now know exactly what typecheck
must look like:
to type check.TypeEnv
in which to look bindings up.Typing[?]
, because it cannot know what type an expression has until after having type checked it.Expr
s are well typed.Which gives us:
def typecheck(expr: Expr, Γ: TypeEnv): Either[String, Typing[?]] =
We’ll now focus on filling these ???
out by type checking all possible Expr
variants. Note that this will be extremely similar to our previous type checker, so I wouldn’t necessarily recommend reading through all of them. It’s probably ok to sort of skim through the rest of this article, maybe paying a little more attention if something catches your fancy. But we’re really only revisiting existing code and replacing Type
with Typing
and TypeRepr
Typing literal values was trivial: a simple matter of returning the corresponding type, because literal cannot be ill-typed.
We merely need adapt the code we wrote then to return a Typing
rather than a Type
, which offers no challenge:
case Expr.Num(value) => Right(Typing(Num(value), TypeRepr.Num))
case Expr.Bool(value) => Right(Typing(Bool(value), TypeRepr.Bool))
If you’ll recall, the first thing we had to do when type checking $\texttt{Add}$ was to write expect
, a function that confirms whether an expression is of the expected type. We’ll start by adapting that.
The necessary changes shouldn’t be much of a surprise, for the most part:
with TypeRepr
to expose both the type and the well-typed TypedExpr
value.The latter is made very simple by our having already written cast
def expect[A <: Type](expr: Expr, tpe: TypeRepr[A], Γ: TypeEnv) =
for raw <- typecheck(expr, Γ)
typed <- raw.cast(tpe)
yield typed
Now that we have a working expect
, we can uplift checkAdd
, by following the exact same process we did for literals:
def checkAdd(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr, Γ: TypeEnv) =
for lhs <- expect(lhs, TypeRepr.Num, Γ)
rhs <- expect(rhs, TypeRepr.Num, Γ)
yield Typing(Add(lhs.expr, rhs.expr), TypeRepr.Num)
You might notice (and disagree with!) a convention I use here: I will reuse a variable’s name when it represents exactly the same thing, only “better”. Here, for example, lhs
is initially the untyped left-hand-side operand, but becomes its typed version in the for-comprehension. Binding shadowing is a controversial subject, some people love it, some people hate it, and I find myself somewhere in the middle. I’d argue it’s often confusing but sometimes makes sense, and checkAdd
is a fairly good example of when it does. We’re calling the same thing by the same name, and not having to come up with artificial names like typedLhs
or maybeLhs
or some other unpleasant variation on Hungarian notation.
$\texttt{Gt}$ is very similar to $\texttt{Add}$ and uses the same tools. We can adapt what we wrote before quite easily:
def checkGt(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr, Γ: TypeEnv) =
for lhs <- expect(lhs, TypeRepr.Num, Γ)
rhs <- expect(rhs, TypeRepr.Num, Γ)
yield Typing(Gt(lhs.expr, rhs.expr), TypeRepr.Bool)
We saw earlier that $\texttt{Cond}$ introduces a new wrinkle by asking us to keep track of the type of each branch and making sure they were the same.
That’s not much of a problem to adapt, however: we get that type information from the Typing
returned by typecheck
def checkCond(pred: Expr, onT: Expr, onF: Expr, Γ: TypeEnv) =
for pred <- expect(pred, TypeRepr.Bool, Γ)
onT <- typecheck(onT, Γ)
onF <- expect(onF, onT.repr, Γ)
yield Typing(Cond(pred.expr, onT.expr, onF.expr), onT.repr)
$\texttt{Let}$ only adds one new problem: environment management. We already adapted TypeEnv
however, so there’s little work to do on top of what we already did.
We’ll first need to rework TypeEnv
’s bind
method, which is really only replacing Type
with TypeRepr
def bind(name: String, repr: TypeRepr[?]) =
TypeEnv(TypeEnv.Binding(name, repr) :: env)
Note that we’re working with a TypeRepr[?]
, not a TypeRepr[A]
for some A
. Our environment does not keep track of things that precisely, at least not yet. Nor does it need to, really: we have cast
to transform something of an unknown type into a known one.
We can now adapt checkLet
def checkLet(name: String, value: Expr, body: Expr, Γ: TypeEnv) =
for value <- typecheck(value, Γ)
body <- typecheck(body, Γ.bind(name, value.repr))
yield Typing(Let(name, value.expr, body.expr), body.repr)
$\texttt{Ref}$ is more of the same. As before, it’s merely an environment lookup.
We’ll first need to rework lookup
, although the changes are extremely slight: Binding
’s tpe
field is now called repr
def lookup(name: String) =
.find(_.name == name)
.toRight(s"Type binding $name not found")
And then checkRef
is simply a matter of wrapping the TypeRepr
we found in the environment inside of the correct Typing
def checkRef(name: String, Γ: TypeEnv) =
.map(repr => Typing(Ref(name), repr))
Function introduction, $\texttt{Fun}$, is maybe a little trickier. If you recall, we had to store a Type
in our Expr.Fun
to know the type of the function’s parameter. This will give us a bit of work here, since we’re no longer working with Type
but with TypeRepr
There’s no real difficulty, however. We can write the from
method on TypeRepr
’s companion object as a simple recursive pattern match:
def from(tpe: Type): TypeRepr[?] = tpe match
case Type.Bool => TypeRepr.Bool
case Type.Num => TypeRepr.Num
case Type.Fun(a, b) => TypeRepr.Fun(TypeRepr.from(a), TypeRepr.from(b))
Note, again, the existential type. We know that any type maps to a TypeRepr
of something, we just don’t know what that something is. And yes, I wish I could convince the compiler that it must be a TypeRepr
of the same type as tpe
, but I’ve not found a way of coaxing it into accepting that.
Having from
, we can easily write the type checking code:
def checkFun(param: String, x: Type, body: Expr, Γ: TypeEnv) =
val xRepr = TypeRepr.from(x)
for body <- typecheck(body, Γ.bind(param, xRepr))
yield Typing(Fun(param, body.expr), xRepr -> body.repr)
$\texttt{Apply}$ is, again, a little more involved. We had to confirm the expression being applied was indeed a function and fail otherwise. But that’s really the only complexity, and we’ve already solved it, so adapting checkApply
is easy enough:
def checkApply(fun: Expr, arg: Expr, Γ: TypeEnv) =
typecheck(fun, Γ).flatMap:
case Typing(fun, x -> y) =>
expect(arg, x, Γ).map: arg =>
Typing(Apply(fun, arg.expr), y)
case Typing(_, other) => Left(s"Expected a function, found $other")
We finally get to recursion, $\texttt{LetRec}$, the last term of our language. We didn’t particularly struggle with that earlier, and the new version does not use anything new. We merely need to be mindful that we were, again, working with a Type
to describe the recursive value, and that needs to be turned into a TypeRepr
Other than that, the whole thing is very straightforward:
def checkLetRec(name: String, value: Expr, vType: Type, body: Expr, Γ: TypeEnv) =
val Γʹ = Γ.bind(name, TypeRepr.from(vType))
for value <- typecheck(value, Γʹ)
body <- typecheck(body, Γʹ)
yield Typing(LetRec(name, value.expr, body.expr), body.repr)
We’ll use exactly the same test for this as we did for our previous type checker: sum
, which adds all the number in a given range, and whose code is:
let rec (sum: Num -> Num -> Num) = (lower: Num) -> (upper: Num) ->
if lower > upper then 0
else lower + (sum (lower + 1) upper)
in sum 1 10
I’m not going to write the AST for that again - you can find it here if you’re really keen.
We want this to type check to a number - I’m, again, not going to print the TypedExpr
part because that would be absolutely unreadable:
for checked <- typecheck(expr, TypeEnv.empty)
typed <- checked.cast(TypeRepr.Num)
yield typed.repr
// val res: Either[String, TypeRepr[Type.Num]] = Right(Num)
Now that we know how to go from an AST to a typed AST, we need to rewrite our interpreter to take a TypedExpr
. As in this article, it will involve a couple of tricky and fun type shenanigans but, once worked out, everything just sort of falls into place without much work.