When motivating lenses, we used the following service:
val service = MlService(
Login("jsmith", "Tr0ub4dor&3"),
Classifier("news20", 20)
This time however, instead of changing the classifier name, we’ll be attempting to change the login user:
Right away, we notice that this is slightly different: the Auth
→ Login
part of our path is of a kind we’ve not yet dealt with.
We have also seen that a good approach was to take things one step at a time and composing the results. Let’s try to do that here as well.
The first part of our complete path is something we’re quite familiar with by now: a lens from MlService
to Auth
The code is essentially the same as what we’ve done so far:
val serviceAuth = Lens[MlService, Auth](
setter = (a, s) => s.copy(auth = a),
getter = s => s.auth
Going from Auth
to Login
, on the other hand, is more problematic. Auth
is a sum type, not a product type, and we don’t really have a tool to deal with that yet.
There’s two ways we can deal with this situation: the correct one, and the one everybody kinds of want to try at this point. We could pretend that the problem doesn’t exist and soldier on with the tools we already have - sort of sweep the issue under a rug and see where that takes us.
That’s actually a perfectly fine approach. From experience, we can be pretty certain this won’t work out; there will come a point where we’ll get stuck. But that’s alright! We’ll have learned something about the problem, and in so doing, gotten one step closer to solving it.
Since we don’t really know how to go from Auth
to Login
, let’s see if we can’t sidestep the whole thing and go directly to Login.user
The code would look something like that:
val authUser = Lens[Auth, String](
setter = (a, s) => ???,
// Auth -> String
getter = s => s match {
case Login(user, _) => user
case Token(token) => ???
But we get stuck writing the getter
. If our Auth
is Login
, there is no problem: a Login
has a user name and we can simply return that. What about if our Auth
is a Token
We could reason that while we don’t have a user name to return, our method must return a String
, and Token
does have a String
we could return… I’m going to pretend you didn’t think that, however. Shame on you.
We’re back to attempting to go from Auth
to Login
This time however, we’re armed with a bit more knowledge: it’s clear that lenses can’t solve our issue, because we need something that has a notion of optionality. Our Auth
might not be a Login
, and our structure must reflect that. One way of thinking about it is that lenses are an has a relationship, and we’re trying to model an is a one.
We have another, much more urgent problem to solve first. How are we going to name that structure? It allows us to… sort of… diffract a sum type into its various parts? In keeping with the optics theme, this is, of course, a prism.
A prism looks a lot like a lens, with a few key differences:
trait Prism[S, A] {
def set(a: A): S
def get(s: S): Option[A]
def modify(f: A => A)(s: S): S = get(s) match {
case Some(a) => set(f(a))
case None => s
The get
method is where we introduce the notion that we might not actually have a value to return - that your S
might not, in fact, be an A
. Instead of always returning an A
like a Lens
does, we return an Option[A]
This is how you’d use it:
val authLogin: Prism[Auth, Login] = ???
val login: Option[Login] = authLogin.get(service.auth)
// res1: Option[Login] = Some(Login(psmith,Tr0ub4dor&3))
The set
method is a bit more surprising, but if you think of lenses as representing an has a relationship and prisms an is a one, it makes sense.
If we have a Lens[S, A]
, then S
has an A
, and we can take an A
and set it inside of the S
- we have an (A, S) => S
If we have a Prism[S, A]
, then S
is an A
, and we can take an A
and turn it into an S
- we have an A => S
This is how you’d use Prism.set
val updated: Auth = authLogin.set(Login("foo", "bar"))
// res2: Auth = Login(foo,bar)
As with lenses, we’ll need a creation helper:
object Prism {
def apply[S, A](
setter: A => S,
getter: S => Option[A]
) = new Prism[S, A] {
override def set(a: A) = setter(a)
override def get(s: S) = getter(s)
That getter
part is going to be a problem, however. It’s a total function, which means we’ll need to write large pattern matches that deal with every possible case. We can do better through Scala’s PartialFunction
object Prism {
def apply[S, A](
setter: A => S,
getter: S => Option[A]
) = new Prism[S, A] {
override def set(a: A) = setter(a)
override def get(s: S) = getter(s)
def fromPartial[S, A](
setter: A => S,
getter: PartialFunction[S, A]
) = Prism(setter, getter.lift)
Let’s create a Prism
to see why that fromPartial
method is useful.
This is what we’re trying to achieve:
And here’s the corresponding prism:
val authLogin = Prism.fromPartial[Auth, Login](
setter = a => a,
getter = { case s: Login => s }
Notice how the getter
is a simple pattern match that only deals with the part we’re interested in? That yields a PartialFunction[S, A]
, which is exactly what fromPartial
The setter
is essentially an upcast, since a Login
is an Auth
We now have a lens from MlService
to Auth
, and a prism from Auth
to Login
. We need only compose them to go from MlService
to Login
But… how do we compose a lens and a prism? Do our current tools allow us to represent that composition?
Could the composition of a lens and prism be a prism?
def composeLP[S, A, B](
l: Lens[S, A],
p: Prism[A, B]
) = Prism[S, B](
// B => S
setter = b => {
val a: A = p.set(b)
val s: S = ???
// S => B
getter = s => p.get(l.get(s))
This is immediately problematic. We can’t implement the setter: it’s a function of B
to S
, but there’s no way to get an S
out of the B
We can go from a B
to an A
through our prism’s set
method, but there’s nothing in our lens that allows us to get one level up.
We can, however, easily implement the getter. Let’s keep that in mind for later.
So, a lens and prism can’t be a prism. Could it be a lens?
Turns out, we hit a wall almost straight away:
def composeLP[S, A, B](
l: Lens[S, A],
p: Prism[A, B]
) = Lens[S, B](
// (B, S) => S
setter = (b, s) => l.set(p.set(b))(s),
// S => B
getter = s => {
val a: A = l.get(s)
val b: B = ???
This time, we can easily implement the setter. On the other hand, there’s no way to implement the getter. It’s a function from S
to B
, and we can get an Option[B]
through the prism, but there’s no (sane) way to get the B
Clearly, we need a third tool. Something that mixes lenses and prisms…
Yeah, the fancy optics naming scheme sort of falls apart here.
I’ve been told that the proper name is not optional but affine traversal. I usually feel it’s better to pretend I’ve not heard that because it’s so much worse.
We’ve seen that while we couldn’t quite get a lens or a prism, we could build something that had a lens’ set
and a prism’s get
trait Optional[S, A] {
def set(a: A)(s: S): S
def get(s: S): Option[A]
def modify(f: A => A)(s: S): S = get(s) match {
case Some(a) => set(f(a))(s)
case None => s
Which makes sense. An optional must have the following properties:
As usual, we could use a creation helper:
object Optional {
def apply[S, A](
setter: (A, S) => S,
getter: S => Option[A]
) = new Optional[S, A] {
override def set(a: A)(s: S) = setter(a, s)
override def get(s: S) = getter(s)
And we can now write the result of comping a lens with a prism:
def composeLP[S, A, B](
l: Lens[S, A],
p: Prism[A, B]
) = Optional[S, B](
setter = (b, s) => l.set(p.set(b))(s),
getter = s => p.get(l.get(s))
At this point, we have 3 tools - lenses, prisms and optionals - which should compose. We know how to compose lenses (yields a lens) and a lens and prism (yields an optional).
What about all other combinations? I’ll write the code for them here, but you should feel entirely free to skip it. The interesting part is not the code itself, but the result type for each composition.
def composePP[S, A, B](
p1: Prism[S, A],
p2: Prism[A, B]
) = Prism[S, B](
setter = b => p1.set(p2.set(b)),
getter = s => p1.get(s).flatMap(p2.get)
A prism composed with a prism yields a prism.
def composePL[S, A, B](
p: Prism[S, A],
l: Lens[A, B]
) = Optional[S, B](
setter = (b, s) => p.modify(l.set(b))(s),
getter = s => p.get(s).map(l.get)
A prism composed with a lens yields an optional.
def composeOO[S, A, B](
o1: Optional[S, A],
o2: Optional[A, B]
) = Optional[S, B](
setter = (b, s) => o1.modify(o2.set(b))(s),
getter = s => o1.get(s).flatMap(o2.get)
An optional composed with an optional yields an optional.
def composeOP[S, A, B](
o: Optional[S, A],
p: Prism[A, B]
) = Optional[S, B](
setter = (b, s) => o.set(p.set(b))(s),
getter = s => o.get(s).flatMap(p.get)
An optional composed with a prism yields an optional.
def composePO[S, A, B](
p: Prism[S, A],
o: Optional[A, B]
) = Optional[S, B](
setter = (b, s) => p.modify(o.set(b))(s),
getter = s => p.get(s).flatMap(o.get)
A prism composed with an optional yields an optional.
def composeOL[S, A, B](
o: Optional[S, A],
l: Lens[A, B]
) = Optional[S, B](
setter = (b, s) => o.modify(l.set(b))(s),
getter = s => o.get(s).map(l.get)
An optional composed with a lens yields an optional.
def composeLO[S, A, B](
l: Lens[S, A],
o: Optional[A, B]
) = Optional[S, B](
setter = (b, s) => l.modify(o.set(b))(s),
getter = s => o.get(l.get(s))
A lens composed with an optional yields an optional.
The one interesting thing to note was that:
When working with ADTs, you’ll end up using optionals more often than not.
Now that we know how to compose all these things together, we can get back to where we were previously blocked:
Since we already have the building blocks (MlService
→ Auth
→ Login
), we can just compose them:
val serviceLogin = composeLP(
The last step in our path is from Login
to String
This can be easily achieved with a lens:
val loginUser = Lens[Login, String](
setter = (a, s) => s.copy(user = a),
getter = s => s.user
We finally have everything we need to go from MlService
to Login.user
Composing the bits we’ve built so far is enough to do the trick:
val serviceUser = composeOL(
And we can now fairly straightforwardly modify the login user associated with a service:
// res4: MlService = MlService(Login(psmith,Tr0ub4dor&3),Classifier(news20,20))
And this, in my opinion, is the clear win over imperative syntax that we were looking for. No runtime type introspection or null
check to make sure that our Auth
is a Login
- a simple function application that takes care of all the gory details for us.
In order to work with both sum types and product types, we’ve had to extend our toolkit to include prisms and optionals.
We’ve also discovered that all these things composed and that, mostly, you’d eventually end up working with optionals.
In the next part of this article, we’ll see that while I’ve been pushing optics as a great way of working with ADTs, it’s not all they’re good for.