Cheapest of two items


Now that we know how to filter out items that are too expensive, we’re faced with another problem: we might find multiple versions of the same item, all affordable, but at difference prices. We obviously want to pick the cheapest one.

The “simple” version of that problem is very manageable. Given two Items, compare the prices and return whichever is cheapest:

def cheapest(
  item1: Item,
  item2: Item
): Item =
  if item1.price > item2.price then item2
  else                              item1

cheapestF follows the pattern we’ve been using so far: add an F type parameter, wrap all Items in it, and try to work things out.

def cheapestF[F[_]](
  fitem1: F[Item],
  fitem2: F[Item]
): F[Item] =

We were a little bit stuck before, because we did not know how to work with an abstract F, but we now have a tool that might help: Functor.

Functor allows us to map into each of our F[Item]s and get two Items, which is exactly what we need to call cheapest:

def cheapestF[F[_]: Functor](
  fitem1: F[Item],
  fitem2: F[Item]
): F[Item] = { item1 => { item2 =>
      cheapest(item1, item2)

The problem with this, however, is that it doesn’t work. map returns something in an F, so if you nest maps, you get nested Fs. If we try to compile this code, we’ll get a rather obscure error message which is intended to mean something like expected an F[Item] but got an F[F[Item]].

And try as we might, we won’t be able to massage our map calls into something that compiles. map is great for working with a single value in some F, but we have two here, and we’re a little bit stuck.


As before, when stuck, start drawing. This is what we want to solve:

Lift2, before

Now, you might think this looks quite a bit like the previous diagram, the one that led us to invent lift. You might be tempted to suggest that since lift worked for a function with a single parameter, we could create lift2 for functions that take 2 and be done with it:

Lift2, before

And that would actually solve the problem! But it would also make for a very boring article, because my next question would be how about functions that take… *3* parameters? and we could be at it for quite a while.

Well. Maybe not that long, this is Scala after all and for whatever reason, functions cannot take more than 22 parameters. But it’s still be extremely boring. Instead, let’s try to see if we can find a more generic solution to the problem, a way of solving it that generalises for functions of any arity.

When trying to find generic solutions, I like to remove anything specific from the problem and see where that takes me. Here’s the generic diagram that we’re trying to solve:

Ap, before

We’d really like to lift that function at the bottom - with this kind of problems, a good reflex is to try and lift anything you can, it usually works out. But we can’t, because lift only works on functions that take a single parameter, and f takes 2.

Interestingly though, there is a way of turning a function with 2 parameters into one that takes a single one: currying. If you’re already familiar with the concept, great. Otherwise, I would recommend reading up on it, it’s both fun and useful, and not at all as complicated as you probably expect it to be.

Currying f, then, yields a function that takes a single parameter and returns another function:

Ap, curried

And this is great, because we know how to lift functions that take a single parameter:

Ap, lifted

That result might not look immediately useful, but this is where we need a little bit of an intuitive leap. f.curried.lift might not be useful, but this would be:

Ap, lifted

It’d be a great function to have, because if you look at it a certain way, it looks a lot like the result of currying another function - a function that takes two parameters in some F and returns a value in some F. And, as luck would have it, currying has an inverse function, which we weirdly usually call uncurrying rather than co-currying.

It’s not at all a coincidence that uncurrying our function yields a direct solution to our diagram:

Ap, lifted

So, really, solving our diagram is really solving this:

Ap, lifted

Unfortunately, we do not have the tools to do so. But we can certainly wish for them! What we really wished we could do was turn F[B => C] into F[B] => F[C], because then we could compose the resulting arrows into our desired function.

Let’s call that split, because it kind of looks like we’re splitting the content of our F in two:

Ap, lifted

We now get our desired function by composition:

Ap, lifted

This all finally leads to a diagram that commutes, even if a little heavy on the arrows, like a late-days Boromir.

Ap, lifted


We still have a little bit of work to do though. Somebody (not us) will have to work out how to implement split, but we need them to be able to provide us with their solution. As before, we’ll write that as a type class that exposes the split function:

trait Split[F[_]] extends Functor[F]:
  extension [A, B](ff: F[A => B])
    def split: F[A] => F[B]

Note that we’ve made Split into a Functor, because our solution involves lifting a unary function.

And now, by simply following the arrows of our diagram, we get a direct implementation of what we were trying to achieve in the first place, lift2:

trait Split[F[_]] extends Functor[F]:
  extension [A, B](ff: F[A => B])
    def split: F[A] => F[B]

  extension [A, B, C](f: (A, B) => C)
    def lift2: (F[A], F[B]) => F[C] =
        f.curried.lift andThen (_.split)

And this happens to be a generic pattern. We could implement lift3 or, really, liftN, by following the exact same principle: assume that you know how to lift a function that takes n - 1 parameters, and that you want to work with a function that takes n. You can use something that’s not quite currying but that’s very much the same idea to turn your function into one that takes n - 1 parameters and returns another function. This allows you to lift it, and you’ll find that all you need to finish things off is split.

Armed with split, then, we can work with functions that take as many parameters as we want, even truly unreasonable numbers such as 21, or even 22. Not 23 though, that’d just be crazy.

Right, so now that we have lift2, our initial, cheapestF diagram commutes:

Ap, lifted

And we can write our solution by just following the arrows:

def cheapestF[F[_]: Split](
  fitem1: F[Item],
  fitem2: F[Item]
): F[Item] =
  cheapest.lift2.apply(fitem1, fitem2)

Common combinators

As before however, this code is a little bit unpleasant, a little bit too functional for our OOP sensibilities. What we really want to write is a method call, something like:

def cheapestF[F[_]: Split](
  fitem1: F[Item],
  fitem2: F[Item]
): F[Item] =
  (fitem1, fitem2).map2(cheapest)

As you’d probably expect, map2 really is just another way of calling lift2:

trait Split[F[_]] extends Functor[F]:
  extension [A, B](ff: F[A => B])
    def split: F[A] => F[B]

  extension [A, B, C](f: (A, B) => C)
    def lift2: (F[A], F[B]) => F[C] =
        f.curried.lift andThen (_.split)

  extension [A, B, C](fab: (F[A], F[B]))
    def map2(f: (A, B) => C): F[C] =
      f.lift2.apply(fab._1, fab._2)

Naming things

Finally, that abstraction is obviously not called Split. It has the perhaps unfortunate name of Apply, because its primary operation is usually called apply - but that’s kind of a magic almost-keyword in Scala that we try to avoid unless we know what we’re doing. Instead, we’ve called it ap, which is probably meant to sound like map.

trait Apply[F[_]] extends Functor[F]:
  extension [A, B](ff: F[A => B])
    def ap: F[A] => F[B]

  extension [A, B, C](f: (A, B) => C)
    def lift2: (F[A], F[B]) => F[C] =
        f.curried.lift andThen (_.ap)

  extension [A, B, C](fab: (F[A], F[B]))
    def map2(f: (A, B) => C): F[C] =
      f.lift2.apply(fab._1, fab._2)

Key takeaways

What we’ve learned so far is that while Functor was used to work with functions that take a single parameter, Apply allows us to work with functions that take one or more parameters.

The core function of Apply is split, but its most directly useful one is liftN or, equivalently, mapN.