Evaluating Free

We’ve now created Free, the free monad over a functor, as a generalisation of Chain. We’ve also expressed our initial program fully with Free. All that remains is to adapt our evaluation functions for it.

Let’s take stock of what we have.

Single statement evaluation

First, eval, used to evaluate a single Console statement:

def eval[X](console: Console[X]): X = console match
  case Print(msg, next) =>

  case Read(next) =>
    val in = scala.io.StdIn.readLine()

You might have noticed that I renamed the type parameter to X - it obviously does not change the function’s behaviour, but will help in a little while when we have to differentiate between the A parameter of one function, and the other, distinct A of another function.

eval did not use Chain in any way, and can remain as is.

Chain of statements evaluation

Second, evalChain, to evaluate an entire chain of Console statements. Remember that it relies on eval to evaluate single statements, and merely does the recursive exploration of the chain.

def evalChain[A](chain: Chain[A]): A = chain match
  case Done(a)       => a
  case Next(console) => evalChain(eval(console))

This needs to change a little:

def evalFree[A](fa: Free[Console, A]): A = fa match
  case Pure(a)      => a
  case Flatten(ffa) => evalFree(eval(ffa))

This implementation uses Free, but still hard-codes Console in two distinct places:

What we want to do, then, is turn both these things into parameters: Console into a type parameter and eval into a value parameter.

There’s a little bit of a trick for eval, however. We might be tempted to write the following:

def evalFree[F[_], A](
  fa     : Free[F, A],
  handler: F[A] => A
): A = fa match
  case Pure(a)      => a
  case Flatten(ffa) => evalFree(handler(ffa))

handler is how we receive eval as a parameter, and eval is a function that given a type X and a Console[X], yields an X. Our implementation seems reasonable.

Yet it won’t compile. If you think it through, in the Flatten branch, ffa is a F[Free[F, A]], handler takes an F[A], this cannot typecheck.

The trick here is to realise that eval works for any type X, not just evalFree’s A. It might be a little bit hard to see, but eval takes any X - in particular, X = Free[Console, X].

The problem for people like me who’ve done far more Scala 2 than Scala 3 is that, in our head, this notion of a function that takes a type parameter does not exist. Methods are polymorphic, but functions are not. And so you’ll likely find needlessly complex implementations of evalFree which rely on F being a functor, which can be made to work, but also, why bother? Scala 3 has support for polymorphic functions.

The type we want handler to have is [X] => F[X] => X, which reads for any type X, given an F[X], returns an X. This is exactly what we need:

def evalFree[F[_], A](
  fa     : Free[F, A],
  handler: [X] => F[X] => X
): A = fa match
  case Pure(a)      => a
  case Flatten(ffa) => evalFree(handler(ffa), handler)

But what about effects though?

For all I think the Scala community is far too obsessed with having every function return some type constructor to encode potential effects (and then mostly using one of no effect with Id or all of the effects with IO), this is one of the places where it makes undeniable sense.

evalFree is meant to evaluate programs such as chains of Console statements. These can absolutely be effectful: reading from stdin can fail, for example, and we want evalFree to support this; it wouldn’t be very useful otherwise. And since the least bad tool Scala offers to encode effects is type constructors, well, we need evalFree to be able to return a G[A] rather than an A, where G might be Either for encoding errors, for example.

It will thus look something like this:

def evalFree[F[_], G[_], A](
  fa     : Free[F, A],
  handler: [X] => F[X] => X
): G[A] = fa match
  case Pure(a)      => ???
  case Flatten(ffa) => ???

The type of handler is almost certainly wrong (intuitively, you’d expect it to return a G[X] to match the signature of evalFree, but we don’t yet know that). Aside from that, this is our previous evalFree with a new G type parameter and the implementation removed. We know have to write it back.

Evaluating Pure

Let’s start with the easy part, the Pure branch. We have an A and want to return a G[A], which gives us the following diagram:

evalFree of Pure: problem

We’ve encountered a function that, given some A, lifts it into a G[A] multiple times already: that’s pure. I’m going to take a bit of a shorcut here and say that pure is a monadic function - it’s not, it’s an applicative one, but we’re encoding effects and in Scala, correctly or not, we will always associate effects with monads. So in order to be able to go from A to G[A], we need G to be a monad, which gives us the following solution:

evalFree of Pure: solution

The code is then trivial to update:

def evalFree[F[_], G[_]: Monad, A](
  fa     : Free[F, A],
  handler: [X] => F[X] => X
): G[A] = fa match
  case Pure(a)      => a.pure
  case Flatten(ffa) => ???

Evaluation Flatten

Flatten is a little more complicated.

We have an F[Free[F, A]] (wrapped inside Flatten) and want to go to a G[A] (evalFree’s return type).

Free is a recursive data type, so we’re almost certain to need evalFree to be recursive. We’ll add it to the diagram.

evalFree of Flatten: problem

That odd, diagonal way of adding evalFree is fully intended: it should make you think of a triangle with a missing corner. And we know what triangles mean in these diagrams, right? Something monadic. As luck has it, we’ve just added the requirement that G have an instance of Monad, so we can use flatMap to draw the missing part of the triangle:

evalFree of Flatten: flatMap

Which means the only thing we need to solve our problem is to go from F[Free[F, A]] to G[Free[F, A]]. This one might be a little tricky to spot, so let’s make it a little simpler with a type alias: X = Free[F, A].

With this X, we need to go from F[X] to G[X] - which looks very much like handler, but with the modification our instinct told us was probably coming earlier. Updating handler’s type to [X] => F[X] => G[X], then, allows us to complete the diagram:

evalFree of Flatten: solution

And our final implementation of evalFree is obtained by simply following the arrows:

def evalFree[F[_], G[_]: Monad, A](
  fa     : Free[F, A],
  handler: [X] => F[X] => G[X]
): G[A] = fa match
  case Pure(a)      => a.pure
  case Flatten(ffa) => handler(ffa).flatMap(evalFree(_, handler))

Actual interpreters

It’s only fair, after all this work, that I show a couple of interpreters.

Non-effectful interpreter

A trivial interpreter is eval itself, which doesn’t encode any effect. The no effect effect is Id, traditionally defined as:

type Id[X] = X

Id is relatively easily defined to have a Monad instance (I’ll leave this as an exercise to bored readers).

At the time of writing, Scala 3’s support for polymorphic functions type inference and eta-expansion isn’t great (I don’t think it’s actually implemented), so we need a little more boilerplate to let the compiler know eval is of the right type:

val handler: [A] => Console[A] => Id[A] =
  [A] => (ca: Console[A]) => eval(ca)

And that’s “all” there is to it. handler is now a perfectly fine non-effectful interpreter of chains of Console statements encoded using Free.

Error handling interpreter

Our previous interpreter assumes console statements can never fail, which is a bit of a stretch. Reading from stdin might throw, for example.

The this can fail effect is Either, for which I’m not going to bother giving a definition or a Monad instance, as they’re part of the standard library.

Here’s a possible implementation of such a handler:

val handler =
  [A] => (ca: Console[A]) => ca match
    case Print(msg, next) =>

    case Read(next) =>

What next?

That’s it, really. We’ve done all we set out to do, and more. All that’s left is for us to conclude and hint at potential improvements.