Composing programs

We have now decomposed our program in smaller parts, ask and greet. Next on the agenda is recomposing them. Or, more concretely, fill in the ??? in the following code:

val ask: Chain[String] =
  Next(Print("What is your name?", () =>
    Next(Read(name => Done(name)))))

val greet: String => Chain[Unit] =
  name =>
    Next(Print(s"Hello, $name!", () =>

val program: Chain[Unit] =

This is another problem best solved using diagrams, as viewed in the previous section. Here’s how to view this specific problem:

Problem statement

We start from ask, a Chain[String], and must go to program, a Chain[Unit].

We’re also provided with greet, a String => Chain[Unit].

I quite like such diagrams because they make it easy to spot patterns that I wouldn’t necessarily see in code. Here, for example, that triangular shape is very symptomatic of something monadic is going on. And yes, if you look at the types that we have and how to get them to match up, flatMap(greet) is clearly the solution:

Solution with flatMap

What this means, then, is that we’d really like Chain to be a Monad, because we’ll then get composition for free, in a way that is so idiomatic to the language that it has dedicated syntax in the form of for-comprehensions.

This means that we need to fill in the ??? in the following piece of code:

given Monad[Chain] with
  extension [A](cchain: Chain[Chain[A]])
    def flatten: Chain[A] = ???

  extension [A](chain: Chain[A])
    def map[B](f: A => B): Chain[B] = ???

  extension [A](a: A)
    def pure: Chain[A] = ???

You’ll notice that we’ve chosen the long way around to writing a Monad instance. We could write it in terms of pure and flatMap instead, which is usually less work - in fact, we probably should! But this is an article about Free and doing so would lead us to discovering something else entirely (Monad in its most uncomfortable configuration, remember?).

Right. Now the painful part: actually implementing all of this.

Implementing Chain.pure

Let’s start with the simplest problem, pure:

extension [A](a: A)
  def pure: Chain[A] = ???

We’ll be solving all of these as diagrams, because I feel they make it far easier to see solutions. Of course, pure is simple enough that a diagram is a bit overkill, but it makes for a good warmup.

Chain.pure: problem

We’re starting from an A and want to go to a Chain[A]. If you think about it a little, you should realise we’ve already implemented exactly such a function: Done.

Chain.pure: solution

This gives us the following, satisfyingly simple implementation, which we get by just walking the path from start to goal on the diagram:

extension [A](a: A)
  def pure: Chain[A] = Done(a)


Next up is implementing map:

extension [A](chain: Chain[A])
  def map[B](f: A => B): Chain[B] = ???

Our input, Chain, is a sum type, so we’ll need to solve map for all of its variants:

extension [A](chain: Chain[A])
  def map[B](f: A => B): Chain[B] = chain match
    case Done(a)  => ???
    case Next(ca) => ???


Let’s start with Done, by far the simplest problem. Here’s its representation as a diagram: (Done): problem

We’re starting from an A, the value wrapped inside Done.

We want to go to a Chain[B], the return type of map.

We know how to go from A to B, because that’s exactly what f does.

What we need to figure out, then, is how to go from a B to a Chain[B], which we’ve just done when implementing pure: that’s a call to Done. (Done): solution

This gives us the implementation for the Done branch:

extension [A](chain: Chain[A])
  def map[B](f: A => B): Chain[B] = chain match
    case Done(a)  => Done(f(a))
    case Next(ca) => ???


The Next variant is a little more involved, and we’ll need to do it in multiple steps.

Here’s a diagram of what we have and where we want to go: (Done): problem

We’re starting from a Console[Chain[A]], the value wrapped inside of our Next.

We want to go to a Chain[B], the return type of map.

f allows us to go from A to B.

Finally, we also have Next, which allows us to go from a Console[Chain[B]] to a Chain[B]. Note that I’m cheating a bit for this one - I know we’ll need Next to solve this diagram and am including it, but not all the other functions that exist and give us a Chain[B], such as Done. Hopefully you’ll forgive me this small shortcut.

This diagram looks a lot less straightforward to solve. The process now is to try and flesh it out in order to build a path from our start point to our goal.

One function we have but haven’t yet included is map itself. If you think about it though, we’re trying to write a function that works on a recursive data type, the solution is almost guaranteed to be recursive: map will need to be defined in terms of itself. Let’s add it to the diagram, seen as a function that turns an A => B into a Chain[A] => Chain[B]: (Done): recursive step

Pay attention to that rectangular shape at the bottom of the diagram. It will almost always denote something functorial going on, just like it does here: this works because Chain is a Functor (by virtue of being a Monad, which is what we’re trying to prove).

Bearing that in mind, can you spot another rectangular shape we’d quite like to draw?

Here it is: (Done): another map

If we managed to lift that bottom arrow to link the two upper nodes, then we’d have a direct path from our starting point to our goal. And as I just said, that rectangular shape means something functioral is going on: we’re trying to lift a function inside of Console.

That last sentence might seem a little obscure if you’re not used to my verbal shorcuts (which might not always be very correct), so: when I say we want to lift some A => B inside of some G, it means we want to be able to produce a G[A] => G[B].

Since we want to lift a function inside of Console, that means we need it to be a Functor. I’m not going to prove that just yet though. First, I want to finish proving that Chain is a Monad, so I’ll just make proving Console is a Functor a goal we’ll need to discharge later to complete the overarching proof. Second, if you look at Console, it clearly is a Functor: its polymorphic part is on the return type of a wrapped function, and a function is a Functor on its return type. Don’t worry if this didn’t make sense to you, we’ll write a concrete implementation later and you can just take this as we have good reasons to think that Console is a Functor and will rely on it for the moment.

So, assuming Console is indeed a Functor, we have our solution: (Done): solution

This translates directly into the following code:

extension [A](chain: Chain[A])
  def map[B](f: A => B): Chain[B] = chain match
    case Done(a)  => Done(f(a))
    case Next(ca) => Next(

Implementing Chain.flatten

We now need to implement the last part of the puzzle, flatten:

extension [A](cchain: Chain[Chain[A]])
  def flatten: Chain[A] = ???

Chain is a sum type, so we’ll need to solve flatten for all its variants:

extension [A](cchain: Chain[Chain[A]])
  def flatten: Chain[A] = cchain match
    case Done(ca)  => ???
    case Next(cca) => ???


After the relatively complex exercise that was map, flatten for Done will be a pleasant diversion:

Chain.flatten (Done): solution

We have a Chain[A] and need to return a Chain[A]. There’s literally nothing for us to do here:

extension [A](cchain: Chain[Chain[A]])
  def flatten: Chain[A] = cchain match
    case Done(ca)  => ca
    case Next(cca) => ???


Next is going to be a little bit more work, but we’ve already done most of the heavy lifting in map. Here’s the diagram we’re trying to solve:

Chain.flatten (Done): solution

The start point and goal are the same as usual. We also know that Chain is recursive, so we’re very likely to need to make flatten recursive as well and added it to the diagram. Finally, my usual cheat of including a function I know we’ll need a bit later and have already defined: Next.

If you’ve been paying attention, and squint a little at that diagram, you’ll spot the telltale rectangular shape. We want to lift that flatten inside of Console - but, as luck has it, we’re already assuming that Console is a Functor. This allows us to solve the diagram:

Chain.flatten (Done): solution

Which gives us the following implementation:

extension [A](cchain: Chain[Chain[A]])
  def flatten: Chain[A] = cchain match
    case Done(ca)  => ca
    case Next(cca) => Next(

Tying loose ends

If we put everything we’ve written together, here’s the complete Monad implementation for Chain:

given Monad[Chain] with
  extension [A](cchain: Chain[Chain[A]])
    def flatten: Chain[A] = cchain match
      case Done(ca)  => ca
      case Next(cca) => Next(

  extension [A](chain: Chain[A])
    def map[B](f: A => B): Chain[B] = chain match
      case Done(a)  => Done(f(a))
      case Next(ca) => Next(

  extension [A](a: A)
    def pure: Chain[A] = Done(a)

The only thing we still have to do is prove that Command is in fact a Functor, which means filling in the blanks in the following piece of code:

given Functor[Console] with
  extension [A](console: Console[A])
    def map[B](f: A => B): Console[B] = console match
      case Print(msg, next) => ???
      case Read(next)       => ???

This is not a particularly interesting exercise - it is, in fact, something I’m pretty sure we could get the compiler to derive for us. So here’s the solution: we just need to post-compose f with next (which, rather unsurprisingly, is exactly what the Functor instance of a function does):

given Functor[Console] with
  extension [A](console: Console[A])
    def map[B](f: A => B): Console[B] = console match
      case Print(msg, next) => Print(msg, next andThen f)
      case Read(next)       => Read(next andThen f)

And with that, we’ve finished making Chain into a Monad, which allows us to implement program as the simple composition of ask and greet (this is what we set out to do, remember?):

val ask: Chain[String] =
  Next(Print("What is your name?", () =>
    Next(Read(name => Done(name)))))

val greet: String => Chain[Unit] =
  name =>
    Next(Print(s"Hello, $name!", () =>

val program: Chain[Unit] =

What next?

We’re finished making Chain very comfortably composable by giving it a Monad instance. But writing the bits we want to compose, however, is extremely uncomfortable - look at all the code required to write ask and greet. Our next step will be to try and factor out all the boilerplate.