Chaining statements

We now have the ability to describe console statements, and to evaluate a single one. This is not quite what we wanted, however: we’d like to be able to evaluate sequences of statements.

Naive implementation

Let’s start from the obvious implementation that sequences of statements suggests: a list.

val program =
  Print("What is your name?") ::
  Read                        ::
  Print("Hello!")             ::

An evaluation function for this is straightforward, a simple foreach(eval), but there’s a problem though, isn’t there. We’re greeting the user, but we’re not greeting them by name. The reason for this (and its fix) is more immediately obvious if you represent program as as a diagram:

Sequence of statements

The issue is apparent in that there is no path from Read to Print("Hello!") - no way for Read to pass whatever it read to downstream statements. The links are between the :: cells, not the console statements.

Linked console statements

What we really want to do is to take the structure given to us by the :: cells and move it into Console, like so:

Linked Statements

Note how I had to create a new Stop instruction. This is the Console equivalent of a List’s Nil: a marker that we have reached the end of our sequence. I’m not thrilled we had to do that: it wasn’t part of the initial problem statement, and we’ve had to introduce it as an implementation detail, which will unfortunately end up being exposed to the rest of the world. This is part of the process of finding a solution: we sometimes have to take a step backwards in order to take two forward. Hopefully we can do something about it later.

The code corresponding to that diagram would look something like:

enum Console[A]:
  case Print(msg: String, next: Console[A]) extends Console[Unit]
  case Read(next: Console[A]) extends Console[String]
  case Stop extends Console[Unit]

The difference with what we had before, on top of Stop, is the addition of next in both Print and Read, a reference to the next element in the sequence. Stop doesn’t have one, as it’s by definition the one statement that isn’t followed by another one.

There’s still a small problem here. Remember how we’d said that Console[A]’s A parameter was meant to represent the type we’d get when evaluating a statement? Well, now that Console represents a chain of statements, the type we’d get when evaluating one would be the type of the last statement in the chain. Print, for example, is no longer going to yield a Unit, but whatever its next statement will yield: an A.

Let’s update the code to make this clear:

enum Console[A]:
  case Print(msg: String, next: Console[A]) extends Console[A]
  case Read(next: Console[A]) extends Console[A]
  case Stop extends Console[Unit]

We can simplify this a little, because Scala allows us to ignore the extends statement on a variant if it’s exactly the same as the root type:

enum Console[A]:
  case Print(msg: String, next: Console[A])
  case Read(next: Console[A])
  case Stop extends Console[Unit]

This allows us to rewrite our program in a slightly improved way:

val program =
  Print("What is your name?",

I’m saying slightly here because, well. We haven’t fixed our problem, have we? We’re still not greeting our user by name, because we still do not have access to whatever Read read from stdin.


The trick here is to realise that in order for Read to pass anything to downstream statements, these statements cannot exist before anything has actually been read. They can only be created once that information is available. Which is a long winded way of saying Read’s next statement should not be a Console[A], but a String => Console[A], where the String parameter is whatever was read from stdin.

next here is called a continuation: the function to call to execute the rest of the program. To continue the program, as it were. And if we’re going to be using continuations (or work in a Continuation Passing Style, as it’s known), we need to be consistent and also make Print’s next a continuation, even if one that only has Unit as input:

enum Console[A]:
  case Print(msg: String, next: () => Console[A])
  case Read(next: String => Console[A])
  case Stop extends Console[Unit]

And this, finally, solves our problem, as it allows us to rework our program thusly:

val program =
  Print("What is your name?", () =>
    Read(name =>
      Print(s"Hello, $name!", () =>

Notice how Read now exposes name, the string it read, to Print, and we can finally greet our user by name.


Now that we can write a chain of console statements, we need to be able to evaluate such a chain. The general idea is fairly straightforward:

Which gives us:

def eval[A](console: Console[A]): A = console match
  case Print(msg, next) =>

  case Read(next)       =>
    val int =

  case Stop             =>

Note that while we can now describe and evaluate chains of console statements, we have lost the ability to work at the single statement level. Console[A] now declares an entire chain, and we don’t really have a type to describe a single statement any longer.

What next?

At this point, we have mostly solved our problem: we can write a program that asks a user for their name, then greets them by that name. That program is represented as a value for which we can write interpreters, such as eval.

I’m not entirely satisfied with our solution though. It feels like we should be able to compose statements, or chains of statements, to create more complex ones. This is what we’ll be trying to do in the next few sections, first by decomposing program into smaller chains of statements, then by trying to recompose them to produce program back.